Called to serve the Florida Orlando Mission

Called to serve the Florida Orlando Mission

Monday, July 31, 2017

Week #94 -- Spanish Work

Hello Everyone!!!

Hope to all had a wonderful week.

We had some awesome miracles which I would like to share with you.

One thing that is super exciting is that since the Spanish work is increasing rapidly I have been practicing Spanish. Right now I can say a very, very, very, basic prayer in Spanish. I'll keep you updated how that goes.

The sister investigating is doing really well. We saw her twice this week; her faith is growing also her willingness to quite smoking. We made a goal with her to only have 9 cigarettes a day for this week. Then on Thursday we get a call from her saying that she started doing 8 that day and she was struggling to not have the nine and so we talked to her and encouraged her and gave her assurance that she could do it. Sadly when we came over the next day she had the nine. This is a good example to show that not always do we succeed in overcoming our struggles that we face. I'll explain more about this towards the end of my letter cause it's something I have been focusing on through my own weaknesses that I have.

Brought one of the members in the branch and talked about the book of Mormon with him. Explaining the purpose of it. He has a strong testimony and loves having us over.

On Thursday, the missionaries in the Sebering area came to our area and did what is called a Blitz. Which is 4 missionaries trying to teach everyone that they can in the one area. So we had some really cool things happen. One was we were able to talk to a sister which is a member in the branch that speaks EspaƱol. Their is an investigator that we have that only speaks Spanish. We have been trying to get in contact so we could have them met and fellowship this investigator. Come to find out is that they were out of town cause one of their relatives was leaving for his mission and was giving his farewell talk. The husband went with them and he isn't a member and he was very touched as he went so hopefully we can start teaching him.

Then yesterday we had the sister and her son visit with us. They did a wonderful job in sharing thier testimonies and what they've learned about the gospel. It was awesome for them to come cause they are coming back into activity.

Back to what I was saying about weaknesses. Humility is something that is part of our eternal progression while here on earth. In Ether 12:27 it says,

27 And if men come unto me I will show unto them their weakness. I give unto men weakness that they may be humble; and my grace is sufficient for all men that humble themselves before me; for if they humble themselves before me, and have faith in me, then will I make weak things become strong unto them.

Before our weaknesses can become our strengths we must be humble. As we become humble we are able to receive the loving correction from our heavenly father. I'm trying super hard to be humble so I can have the spirit to bed with me and for the lord to make my weaknesses my strengths.

I am so blessed to be here in Florida and to peach the gospel. To help others strengthen there faith in Christ.

I love you all and have a blessed week!

Elder Pearson
Florida Orlando Mission
10502 Satellite Blvd.
Orlando, FL 32837

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