Hello Everybody!!
The week just flew by!! I apologize but this email will be a little short. This past week was a little slow but some great and sad things happened.
I guess I'll start with the sad news. Our wonderful friend and investigator, who we have been teaching, has sold her house and will be moving!! It won't be till February that she is gone so we still have time to meet her and get her close to baptism or get her baptized before she leaves. She is just a sweet lady and love our times meeting her. She is just a whoot!
Good news is we got to meet with an investigating family. They are up and down with how they are progressing. They are good some weeks and others not so good. We love them and have the faith that they will get to baptism. We also got to see another investigator. Lessons with him have to a specific plan and make sure we don't steer away from that plan unless the spirit is telling us too. If we don't then we will be there longer than we need to be. He is a really awesome guy and has sincere desire to follow Christ. He hasn't been reading the Book of Mormon so we think that's why he hasn't gotten an answer so we had a really good lesson about the Book of Mormon and he's committed to read it.
Still seeing the boys who were recently baptized and they are just amazing!! I love those boys. They are so amazing and just open my eyes more to how children are more sensitive to the spirit more than us older people are. They always are so excited when we come over and teach them more about Christ. We are planing to take them on a temple trip soon so that will be awesome.
I would like to bear you my testimony that I know that our savior, Jesus Christ, lives and died for all of us. I know that Joseph Smith was a prophet in these latter days to restore the priesthood here on the earth, which was lost. I know that the Book of Mormon is true. That the promise that is given to us from the Book of Mormon that if we read, ponder, and ask in faith that we will know if the truthfulness of the Book of Mormon.
I love you all and know that the our Heavenly Father knows you and cares about you. Talk to him. He wants to hear from you.
Elder Pearson
Florida Orlando Mission
10502 Satellite Blvd.
Orlando, FL 32837
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