Hello Everybody!!!
Got some really good new for you all!! Last Saturday we got transfer calls and I get to stay for my last six weeks here in Okeechobee with.....Elder Porter!!! Whaoo!!! It has been such a blast to be with him. I have learned a lot from him by the spirit.
There a lot to talk about so I'll jump right into it. Our sister investigator is doing really well and making good progress towards baptism. We are going through the addiction recovery book to help her with wanting to quite smoking. It went really well and could see that it helped. It has been really hard for her to quite when she tried in the past. When we saw her later in the week we talked about baptism and what steps she needs to take to get there. We read Matthew 3 with her which is the chapter which talks about the baptism of Jesus Christ by John the Baptist. She made some good comments that she needs to put more trust/faith to make those steps towards baptism.
Also saw a brother investigator! He's been having some health issues and has been going to the doctor a lot but had Brother Fry come with us and they connected really well. Brother Fry invited him over for dinner this Tuesday cause we eat at their house every Tuesday so that will be awesome. Another couple investigating is doing well too. Read from the Book of Mormon with him and his wife. Read Alma 34 which talk about what God expects of us while on this earth. The spirit was super strong and know he could feel it even though he doesn't talk a lot. We had the Senior couple, Lorenzens, come with us and they are able to give some great comments and support for them.
Had a super awesome lesson with another sister investigator. She is so awesome and so funny. It's awesome cause she knows I'm trying to learn Spanish so she helps me with words and how to say things. She is progressing really well and super excited for her. This last time we talked to her about the Gospel of Jesus Christ; when we got to baptism, she asked "If I would join your church why would I have to be baptized again?". And so we explained that it is key in having the proper authority while performing a saving ordinance. We then committed her to be baptism but she said she wants to know more and have a chance to read from the Book of Mormon. She hasn't been able to read any of it yet cause she doesn't have every good eye sight. So we are waiting on a large print Book of Mormon for her.
One thing I enjoy the most is to really connect with the members in what ever area I might be serving in. One night we got to see a member sister and visit with her. Recently this wonderful family had been going through some tough trials and it's been especially her. She began to share the things she has been doing like reading her scriptures, daily prayers, and ect. Elder Porter and I shared with her this that we have done to overcome or receive strength through trials. We both mentioned about fasting and she said that she had thought about that, but hesitated to do so. We assured her that the spirit is promoting her to do so and that she needed to act on it. She says she would do it this week.
Last but not least the investigating family. Got to visit with them last night and they are such a whoot. They ask so many questions, which is awesome. We have had good talks with them in the past, but didn't really know for sure if this is something they want the learn more about. We had that talk with them and show real desire that they want to learn which is awesome.
Throughout my personal study this week, I have been studying my patriarchal blessing a lot. I'm so grateful for my blessing. So much wonderful guidance that it gives me and I pray that I may continue to learn more. I encourage those that have a patriarchal blessing read it. Learn of the promised blessings that the lord has given you. It is personal scripture that is for you and only you. If you don't have it then I would advise to get one. You will be blessed by doing so.
I love you all so much. Have a great week!!
Elder Pearson
Florida Orlando Mission
10502 Satellite Blvd.
Orlando, FL 32837
Called to serve the Florida Orlando Mission

Monday, August 14, 2017
Monday, August 7, 2017
Week #95 -- Miracles Are Real!!
Hello Everybody!!
Wow, there was so many amazing miracles that happened. I don't know where to begin.
Our week was pretty busy and filled with a lot of appointments. The I only times we were able to find people to teach were when we had appointments fall through. To start we had a wonderful time seeing our sister investigator. Even though I can't fully understand cause she only speaks Spanish I can feel the spirit super strong. Elder Porter has been teaching me how to pray and testify in Spanish. So I was able to practice with her. It was awesome even though it was super basic.
We also got to see another brother investigator. He has been having health problem so it been hard to meet with him but he's doing better which is good.
We also saw a couple that is investigating. The husband has a lot of questions and sometimes is difficult to answer all of them. He has a true desire to learn more and we can see that his faith is growing more. Which is awesome.
Met some really cool people that we are going to continue to meet with. The first is someone we meet near a members house. We were early to our dinner and thought we would see who is outside and talk to them. He was the only one outside. Had a good talk with him and said we could come back. One of the sisters we met has a strong faith in Christ. She has been feeling like something is missing in her life especially when she goes to church like there's something more. So that was a very special experience to tell her about the Book of Mormon and how is can give us add strength and guidance in this life.
Anyway, the gospel is true!!!
I love you all and have a blessed week!!
Elder Pearson
Florida Orlando Mission
10502 Satellite Blvd.
Orlando, FL 32837
Wow, there was so many amazing miracles that happened. I don't know where to begin.
Our week was pretty busy and filled with a lot of appointments. The I only times we were able to find people to teach were when we had appointments fall through. To start we had a wonderful time seeing our sister investigator. Even though I can't fully understand cause she only speaks Spanish I can feel the spirit super strong. Elder Porter has been teaching me how to pray and testify in Spanish. So I was able to practice with her. It was awesome even though it was super basic.
We also got to see another brother investigator. He has been having health problem so it been hard to meet with him but he's doing better which is good.
We also saw a couple that is investigating. The husband has a lot of questions and sometimes is difficult to answer all of them. He has a true desire to learn more and we can see that his faith is growing more. Which is awesome.
Met some really cool people that we are going to continue to meet with. The first is someone we meet near a members house. We were early to our dinner and thought we would see who is outside and talk to them. He was the only one outside. Had a good talk with him and said we could come back. One of the sisters we met has a strong faith in Christ. She has been feeling like something is missing in her life especially when she goes to church like there's something more. So that was a very special experience to tell her about the Book of Mormon and how is can give us add strength and guidance in this life.
Anyway, the gospel is true!!!
I love you all and have a blessed week!!
Elder Pearson
Florida Orlando Mission
10502 Satellite Blvd.
Orlando, FL 32837
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