Hello everyone,
Hope you all have had a wonderful week. And that all is well.
So last night and this morning have been crazy. Around 11 last night
my companion, Elder Wilson, woke me and said he was having a lot of
pain in his side and it was just getting worse. So I took him to the
emergency room and found out that he had a kidney stone. We didn't get
home till a little after 4:30 this morning. Ya that was crazy.
Anyway this week was really good. Still working with two investigators. It's exciting with one of them because we will have more time with him before he leaves for New York and hoping we will be able to put him on a date. The other we have is progressing more and it's very exciting. We have been getting more people to talk to but haven't gotten return appointments with them yet but holding we will this week.
One really cool thing that happened was that there was a worldwide missionary broadcast. So all the missionaries in the world watched this broadcast. A handful of the quorum of the 12 apostles spoke to us and gave us a better understanding of how to progress the work in the areas we are serving in. The one I love the most is was from Elder Bednar. He spoke on the importance of the Holy Ghost in someone's conversion. I know now more the importance and the urgency to have the Holy Ghost with us when we are sharing the gospel with others. There is nothing I can say that will convert someone but it's what they feel as the Holy Ghost testifies of truth.
I know that this is the lords work and we all have a part in it. Whether or not we are full time missionaries. We are instruments in gods hands to help others to come unto Christ.
I love you all and hope you have a great week.
Elder Pearson
Florida Orlando Mission
10502 Satellite Blvd.
Orlando, FL 32837
Called to serve the Florida Orlando Mission

Monday, January 25, 2016
Monday, January 18, 2016
Week #15 -- Seeing Heavenly Father's Hand In This Work
Hey Everyone,
It's been a crazy and exciting week. Many prayers were answered for my companion and I. It's so exciting to see that Heavenly Father knows who we are and what we are going through. All we have to do is ask and he will answer it when we are ready. What an amazing week!! Later today I'll send some pics for all of you!
To start of our week we had Zone Conference which is certain zones from the mission meet and there are training that are given by Zone Leaders and our mission president. This one was very special cause we had a general authority. It was Elder Richard J. Maynes from the quorum of the seventy. It was so awesome to hear the council that he gave to us as missionaries. The first half of his talk is that he talk to us about how successful do we want to be as missionaries. We did a lot of question and answer with him. The spirit was so strong there. I'm so blessed to be a missionary and to help in the progression of this great work.
The next couple days was a little rough. A lot of the appointments we had we canceled at the last minute. So every night after our dinner we would call people on our potential investigator list cause by the time dinner comes around its already dark and it's only 5pm. So we started doing this Friday night; we were calling the people that canceled earlier in the week, had to leave messages then, they all started calling us back! We had so many people we were able to set up appointments with that Saturday we had 7 lessons that we taught to people. For three of them we had a members come with us; which is awesome to have them to share their experiences and their thoughts. So by Sunday we had a total of 12 lessons that were taught and last week we had 6. We were able to double this week which was awesome!!
A lot of the people we saw were less actives. We have made return appointments with them so we are hoping we they will be able to come to church next week. We are still working consistently with one investigator which is exciting news and he has been increasing his scriptures study and saying his prayers -- so awesome. We are still a little worried about him cause some personal things have been stressing him out so it's going to be harder for him to quite smoking but we think if he continues with his studies and prayers Heavenly Father will help him overcome it. We are also working with an investigator that we hope to figure out a date this week with him to be baptized. Which is awesome!!
I got to try some food... First thing was "grits" which I do not like. The other is basically regular peanuts and you soak them in salt water. It's really good but salty.
Anyway love you all and hope you have a wonderful week!! I'll send
some pics later!!
Elder Pearson
Florida Orlando Mission
10502 Satellite Blvd. Ste E
Orlando, FL 32837-8479
It's been a crazy and exciting week. Many prayers were answered for my companion and I. It's so exciting to see that Heavenly Father knows who we are and what we are going through. All we have to do is ask and he will answer it when we are ready. What an amazing week!! Later today I'll send some pics for all of you!
To start of our week we had Zone Conference which is certain zones from the mission meet and there are training that are given by Zone Leaders and our mission president. This one was very special cause we had a general authority. It was Elder Richard J. Maynes from the quorum of the seventy. It was so awesome to hear the council that he gave to us as missionaries. The first half of his talk is that he talk to us about how successful do we want to be as missionaries. We did a lot of question and answer with him. The spirit was so strong there. I'm so blessed to be a missionary and to help in the progression of this great work.
The next couple days was a little rough. A lot of the appointments we had we canceled at the last minute. So every night after our dinner we would call people on our potential investigator list cause by the time dinner comes around its already dark and it's only 5pm. So we started doing this Friday night; we were calling the people that canceled earlier in the week, had to leave messages then, they all started calling us back! We had so many people we were able to set up appointments with that Saturday we had 7 lessons that we taught to people. For three of them we had a members come with us; which is awesome to have them to share their experiences and their thoughts. So by Sunday we had a total of 12 lessons that were taught and last week we had 6. We were able to double this week which was awesome!!
A lot of the people we saw were less actives. We have made return appointments with them so we are hoping we they will be able to come to church next week. We are still working consistently with one investigator which is exciting news and he has been increasing his scriptures study and saying his prayers -- so awesome. We are still a little worried about him cause some personal things have been stressing him out so it's going to be harder for him to quite smoking but we think if he continues with his studies and prayers Heavenly Father will help him overcome it. We are also working with an investigator that we hope to figure out a date this week with him to be baptized. Which is awesome!!
I got to try some food... First thing was "grits" which I do not like. The other is basically regular peanuts and you soak them in salt water. It's really good but salty.
Anyway love you all and hope you have a wonderful week!! I'll send
some pics later!!
Elder Pearson
Florida Orlando Mission
10502 Satellite Blvd. Ste E
Orlando, FL 32837-8479
Monday, January 11, 2016
Week #14 -- A Difficult Week
Hello Everyone!
This past week was really hard. We don't have a big teaching pool and we are struggling to find new people to teach. We did a lot of looking through our area book and contacting potential investigators. Most of them didn't answer or didn't live there anymore. Besides that we have gotten some media referrals which are people the go online and request
a bible or a Book of Mormon. We called them and seem very interested which makes me happy.
With the couple people that we are teaching are growing so much in the gospel. Our strong investigator is growing a lot but still has to give up coffee and tea but we haven't talked to him about that yet. We are going to this week. Everything else he is just soaking up and wants to keep learning more and more. The other person we are teaching isn't doing so well. We had to push his date back cause he hasn't quite smoking. The hard thing is that he says he knows he needs to quit but he's not saying he wants to quit. So it's going to be hard from him.
Beside all of that I'm super grateful for the time I have to be a missionary. I have grown so much in the small amount of time that I have been out. It has been such a big blessing in my life to be able to help others come closer to Christ. I have been able to learn the simplicity of the gospel and its has helped me to teach better.
Hope you all have a wonderful week and thank you for all you have done for me.
Elder Pearson
Florida Orlando Mission
10502 Satellite Blvd. Ste E
Orlando, FL 32837-8479
This past week was really hard. We don't have a big teaching pool and we are struggling to find new people to teach. We did a lot of looking through our area book and contacting potential investigators. Most of them didn't answer or didn't live there anymore. Besides that we have gotten some media referrals which are people the go online and request
a bible or a Book of Mormon. We called them and seem very interested which makes me happy.
With the couple people that we are teaching are growing so much in the gospel. Our strong investigator is growing a lot but still has to give up coffee and tea but we haven't talked to him about that yet. We are going to this week. Everything else he is just soaking up and wants to keep learning more and more. The other person we are teaching isn't doing so well. We had to push his date back cause he hasn't quite smoking. The hard thing is that he says he knows he needs to quit but he's not saying he wants to quit. So it's going to be hard from him.
Beside all of that I'm super grateful for the time I have to be a missionary. I have grown so much in the small amount of time that I have been out. It has been such a big blessing in my life to be able to help others come closer to Christ. I have been able to learn the simplicity of the gospel and its has helped me to teach better.
Hope you all have a wonderful week and thank you for all you have done for me.
Elder Pearson
Florida Orlando Mission
10502 Satellite Blvd. Ste E
Orlando, FL 32837-8479
Monday, January 4, 2016
Week #13 -- Transferred To New Area
Hello everyone!!
Sorry that my email is coming out late. I have been having problem with my iPad so it wouldn't send any of my emails.
Anyway, I'm in my new area!! The new area I'm in is DeLand 1st North and my new companion is Elder Wilson. He's a really cool guy. This past week was a little rough cause Elder Wilson's last companion didn't want to do much so he did all the planning. So we didn't have a lot of lessons this past week but it will change this week. Oh also I'm 35 mins from Daytona Beach which is really cool. Sadly I won't be able to go to it cause there has to be Elders or Sisters that are in your district and there area has to touch the beach completely for us to go.
We have some really cool investigators. One gentleman doesn't have a date yet cause he travels a lot. So we are trying to figure out a date for him. He drinks coffee and tea which is a struggle for him. We have another guy that wants to be baptized but we might need to push his date back cause he has a smoking problem. He's really grasping everything and is asking questions so he understands which is awesome.
Here are some pics though. Enjoy!!
Elder Pearson
Sorry that my email is coming out late. I have been having problem with my iPad so it wouldn't send any of my emails.
Anyway, I'm in my new area!! The new area I'm in is DeLand 1st North and my new companion is Elder Wilson. He's a really cool guy. This past week was a little rough cause Elder Wilson's last companion didn't want to do much so he did all the planning. So we didn't have a lot of lessons this past week but it will change this week. Oh also I'm 35 mins from Daytona Beach which is really cool. Sadly I won't be able to go to it cause there has to be Elders or Sisters that are in your district and there area has to touch the beach completely for us to go.
We have some really cool investigators. One gentleman doesn't have a date yet cause he travels a lot. So we are trying to figure out a date for him. He drinks coffee and tea which is a struggle for him. We have another guy that wants to be baptized but we might need to push his date back cause he has a smoking problem. He's really grasping everything and is asking questions so he understands which is awesome.
Here are some pics though. Enjoy!!
Elder Pearson
Elder Pearson's First District
Found a new friend, ewe!
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