Called to serve the Florida Orlando Mission

Called to serve the Florida Orlando Mission

Monday, May 9, 2016

Week #31 - Happy Mother's Day

Hello Everybody!!

What a crazy week!! This past week has been crazy with dropping almost all of our investigators, having transfer calls, and then getting to Skype for Mother's Day.

First, happy Mother's Day to all the mothers. I would love to take this time to share my gratitude for my mother. She is the best mother ever and has taught me so much. She is the most amazing mother ever. She has been a great example for me and has always been there for me when I have struggled. The most favorite thing about my mom is her faith in Jesus Christ. There has been a handful of tough trials we have gone through as a family and even though things were tough she still put her trust in the Lord knowing he would help and things would be all right. Thank you mom for all you have done for me. I love you!!

For this past week we have been finding a lot. I'm not saying we don't do some sort of finding but we did more than we normally do. At times it was great and other times not so great. The reason we have been doing a lot of finding is cause we have had to drop a lot of our investigators like I have mentioned. The people we have been working with recently just having acting upon the things we have invited them to do. As missionaries for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saint we invite others to come unto Christ through faith in Jesus Christ, repentance, being baptized, receiving the gift of the Holy Ghost, and endure to the end. It's interesting that the first thing we invite others to do is have a faith in Jesus Christ. We know that faith is hoping for things to happen and also believing without seeing but faith is also an action word.  Having faith is great but if your not willing to act upon that faith you can't come closer to Christ or your Heavenly Father. You have to constantly have to be acting upon your faith in order to make it stronger. These investigators weren't willing to act so we needed to move on cause there are more people that the Lord knows are ready to act we just haven't found them yet.

Also we got transfer news!!! Drum roll!! I am staying in Apopka! Elder Isaacson is leaving ApopkašŸ˜¢. He will be heading to Clermont area which is still in our Zone so I will still get to see him. My new companion is Elder Myers!  I'll send pics next week so you all know.

Hope you all have a wonderful week. I love you all!!

Elder Pearson
Florida Orlando Mission

Elder Issacson took me an awesome Taco Truck for lunch. 
It was so yummy!

Elder Issacson and I at a ward Fiesta. It was a lot of fun as you can see.

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