Hello Everyone!!!
Hope to all had a wonderful week.
We had some awesome miracles which I would like to share with you.
One thing that is super exciting is that since the Spanish work is increasing rapidly I have been practicing Spanish. Right now I can say a very, very, very, basic prayer in Spanish. I'll keep you updated how that goes.
The sister investigating is doing really well. We saw her twice this week; her faith is growing also her willingness to quite smoking. We made a goal with her to only have 9 cigarettes a day for this week. Then on Thursday we get a call from her saying that she started doing 8 that day and she was struggling to not have the nine and so we talked to her and encouraged her and gave her assurance that she could do it. Sadly when we came over the next day she had the nine. This is a good example to show that not always do we succeed in overcoming our struggles that we face. I'll explain more about this towards the end of my letter cause it's something I have been focusing on through my own weaknesses that I have.
Brought one of the members in the branch and talked about the book of Mormon with him. Explaining the purpose of it. He has a strong testimony and loves having us over.
On Thursday, the missionaries in the Sebering area came to our area and did what is called a Blitz. Which is 4 missionaries trying to teach everyone that they can in the one area. So we had some really cool things happen. One was we were able to talk to a sister which is a member in the branch that speaks EspaƱol. Their is an investigator that we have that only speaks Spanish. We have been trying to get in contact so we could have them met and fellowship this investigator. Come to find out is that they were out of town cause one of their relatives was leaving for his mission and was giving his farewell talk. The husband went with them and he isn't a member and he was very touched as he went so hopefully we can start teaching him.
Then yesterday we had the sister and her son visit with us. They did a wonderful job in sharing thier testimonies and what they've learned about the gospel. It was awesome for them to come cause they are coming back into activity.
Back to what I was saying about weaknesses. Humility is something that is part of our eternal progression while here on earth. In Ether 12:27 it says,
27 And if men come unto me I will show unto them their weakness. I give unto men weakness that they may be humble; and my grace is sufficient for all men that humble themselves before me; for if they humble themselves before me, and have faith in me, then will I make weak things become strong unto them.
Before our weaknesses can become our strengths we must be humble. As we become humble we are able to receive the loving correction from our heavenly father. I'm trying super hard to be humble so I can have the spirit to bed with me and for the lord to make my weaknesses my strengths.
I am so blessed to be here in Florida and to peach the gospel. To help others strengthen there faith in Christ.
I love you all and have a blessed week!
Elder Pearson
Florida Orlando Mission
10502 Satellite Blvd.
Orlando, FL 32837
Called to serve the Florida Orlando Mission

Monday, July 31, 2017
Monday, July 24, 2017
Week #93 -- Importance Of Scripture Study
Hello Everybody!!!
Had so many awesome things happen this week.
First off had Zone Conference. We were blessed to be taught by our wonderful Mission President and his wife and also other missionaries in the mission. It was very uplifting and always feel rejuvenated and ready to work hard.
Throughout the meeting, the big focus was on finding people to teach. This has been a big focus in the mission and we're giving some wonderful guidance by President Clark. Talked about setting meaningful goals, praying, and having a lot of faith so we will be able to find those that the lord is preparing.
The sad part about being that the meeting was I didn't really know a lot of missionaries only a handful of them I really knew. #almost2monthsleft
Anyway, had a awesome lesson with an investigator and his family. Talked about the Plan Of Salvation, helping them realize that there is a purpose for being here in earth. He was asking so many great questions; we went through the scriptures and answered his questions, it was fantastic. The kids were participating a lot too. Finally at the end we had him say the prayer and he did it!!! Yes!!! It's so awesome to see this family grow.
We found a lady this past week. She has strong faith in Christ and also met with missionaries in the past. We called her and asked if we could come by and she said yes. So we went by and asked about how she got in contact with the missionaries, what her religious background is, etc. She then told us that she has been reading through the Book of Mormon and she is in 3 Nephi 18!! What!!! She then told that she knows it's true too #miracle!! She does have some thing she will have to work through in order to be baptized which will be a challenge, but with the lords help anything is possible. Hopefully we will be able to set a baptismal date with her this week.
Another miracle Find was when we were seeing some members that haven't been to church in a while. They were busy so we had saw a guy just chilling outside and so went over to talk to him. He wasn't interested, but we asked if there was anyone he knew that would be. He told us the lady across the street would be. We went knocked on her door and was super open in talking with us. She isn't going to any particular church, but has been praying to know which church to go to and then we show up. We talked to her about the restoration and gave her a Book of Mormon. As we talked to her, she mentioned that her mom has a Book of Mormon and they live close by so we are hoping to have her parents come over as well and meet with us too.
Just recently, the Okeechobee branch was able to start a family history center. I have not done a lot of family history and neither has Elder Porter. We had extra time that day to stop in and learn how to do stuff on it so we could help our investigators do it too. As we were doing it there was some temple work for some of my relatives that need to be done and so I'm planing on taking a name to the temple the next time I can go which is very exciting cause I have only done it twice I think. I now understand why the general authorities say to do family history work cause it so important. It's so awesome cause you not only learn about the history of your family but you also gain a love for those ancestors.
At church on Sunday, we were able to have 6 investigators come!!!!! It was so awesome to have them come and the talks that were given were perfect. It was on the importance of scripture study. One of the speakers talked about the armor of God and how it protects us against Satan. She focused on the shield of faith and the sword of the spirit. The sword of the spirit is the word of god or the scriptures. She also explain how much power the scriptures have. When Jesus was tempted by Satan three time Christ used the scriptures to defend himself. The scriptures is what we have to fight back against Satan. The shield of faith is very strong too. Not only is it good to protect ourselves but all of us can combined our shields and make one big shield. To build each other up and strengthen ourselves together. She also shared an experience she had that tested her faith and she knew that she need to put her nose in the scriptures and study them as much as possible. She shared how she put sticky notes all over the place and on her mirrors of scripture references that she had read. Any place that she could find so she would read them. Such an amazing talk and has made me want to just burry myself more in the scriptures and learn from them.
This gospel of Jesus Christ is true. I know it is and has blessed my life so much. As we just burry ourselves in the scriptures Satan will have no power over us and we will be victorious. I love you all and have a blessed week.
Elder Pearson
Florida Orlando Mission
10502 Satellite Blvd.
Orlando, FL 32837
Had so many awesome things happen this week.
First off had Zone Conference. We were blessed to be taught by our wonderful Mission President and his wife and also other missionaries in the mission. It was very uplifting and always feel rejuvenated and ready to work hard.
Throughout the meeting, the big focus was on finding people to teach. This has been a big focus in the mission and we're giving some wonderful guidance by President Clark. Talked about setting meaningful goals, praying, and having a lot of faith so we will be able to find those that the lord is preparing.
The sad part about being that the meeting was I didn't really know a lot of missionaries only a handful of them I really knew. #almost2monthsleft
Anyway, had a awesome lesson with an investigator and his family. Talked about the Plan Of Salvation, helping them realize that there is a purpose for being here in earth. He was asking so many great questions; we went through the scriptures and answered his questions, it was fantastic. The kids were participating a lot too. Finally at the end we had him say the prayer and he did it!!! Yes!!! It's so awesome to see this family grow.
We found a lady this past week. She has strong faith in Christ and also met with missionaries in the past. We called her and asked if we could come by and she said yes. So we went by and asked about how she got in contact with the missionaries, what her religious background is, etc. She then told us that she has been reading through the Book of Mormon and she is in 3 Nephi 18!! What!!! She then told that she knows it's true too #miracle!! She does have some thing she will have to work through in order to be baptized which will be a challenge, but with the lords help anything is possible. Hopefully we will be able to set a baptismal date with her this week.
Another miracle Find was when we were seeing some members that haven't been to church in a while. They were busy so we had saw a guy just chilling outside and so went over to talk to him. He wasn't interested, but we asked if there was anyone he knew that would be. He told us the lady across the street would be. We went knocked on her door and was super open in talking with us. She isn't going to any particular church, but has been praying to know which church to go to and then we show up. We talked to her about the restoration and gave her a Book of Mormon. As we talked to her, she mentioned that her mom has a Book of Mormon and they live close by so we are hoping to have her parents come over as well and meet with us too.
Just recently, the Okeechobee branch was able to start a family history center. I have not done a lot of family history and neither has Elder Porter. We had extra time that day to stop in and learn how to do stuff on it so we could help our investigators do it too. As we were doing it there was some temple work for some of my relatives that need to be done and so I'm planing on taking a name to the temple the next time I can go which is very exciting cause I have only done it twice I think. I now understand why the general authorities say to do family history work cause it so important. It's so awesome cause you not only learn about the history of your family but you also gain a love for those ancestors.
At church on Sunday, we were able to have 6 investigators come!!!!! It was so awesome to have them come and the talks that were given were perfect. It was on the importance of scripture study. One of the speakers talked about the armor of God and how it protects us against Satan. She focused on the shield of faith and the sword of the spirit. The sword of the spirit is the word of god or the scriptures. She also explain how much power the scriptures have. When Jesus was tempted by Satan three time Christ used the scriptures to defend himself. The scriptures is what we have to fight back against Satan. The shield of faith is very strong too. Not only is it good to protect ourselves but all of us can combined our shields and make one big shield. To build each other up and strengthen ourselves together. She also shared an experience she had that tested her faith and she knew that she need to put her nose in the scriptures and study them as much as possible. She shared how she put sticky notes all over the place and on her mirrors of scripture references that she had read. Any place that she could find so she would read them. Such an amazing talk and has made me want to just burry myself more in the scriptures and learn from them.
This gospel of Jesus Christ is true. I know it is and has blessed my life so much. As we just burry ourselves in the scriptures Satan will have no power over us and we will be victorious. I love you all and have a blessed week.
Elder Pearson
Florida Orlando Mission
10502 Satellite Blvd.
Orlando, FL 32837
Monday, July 17, 2017
Week #92 -- God's Plan of Happiness
Hello Everybody!!!
Had another great week here in Okeechobee.
We were planing on putting a couple of our investigators on date but didn't happen which was a bummer. We are planing to have one person this week on a baptismal date. Not sure who we will ask but will ask someone. Didn't have any investigators come to church which was a bummer. We did get a handful of new investigators which was awesome so hopefully they will progress in meeting with us.
Since being here in Okeechobee, I have met a lot of families that remind me a lot of my family. It's super funny and makes me feel at home which is nice. The family we visit is doing great. They haven't been to church in a long time. I don't think they will come anytime soon but they are making good progress especially the dad. They are more and more happy when we come and when we leave. Really excited for them. They are an awesome family.
Got to also see a gator and his mom. He had a lot of questions for us which was good. He was a little confused about the authority leaving then coming back. So we explained and use the Book of Mormon to help solidify what we were saying. He didn't quite agree that the authority had left but still wanted to read the Book of Mormon. Yay!!! He would probably be the one that we will extend the baptismal invitation too.
Had a good time seeing another member. He is one that is coming back into activity which is awesome. He understands things at a slower process so we have been going by and reading the Book of Mormon with him. Helping him understand more of what he is reading. He is progressing so well that he's reading the chapters before hand and is picking things out on his own which is awesome. Love this guy so much.
Yesterday at church, there was some wonderful talks given. It was all about the Plan Of Salvation. It made me think a lot about it and the knowledge is gives me. It is so wonderful to know where we came from, why am I here, and where am I going after I die. It also feels me with so much love from my Heavenly Father. That he sent his son, Jesus Christ, for US!! I am so grateful for the gospel in my life. I'm so blessed!! I know that the Book of Mormon is true. I know my savior lives!!
I love you all!! Have a blessed week!!
Elder Pearson
Florida Orlando Mission
10502 Satellite Blvd.
Orlando, FL 32837
Had another great week here in Okeechobee.
We were planing on putting a couple of our investigators on date but didn't happen which was a bummer. We are planing to have one person this week on a baptismal date. Not sure who we will ask but will ask someone. Didn't have any investigators come to church which was a bummer. We did get a handful of new investigators which was awesome so hopefully they will progress in meeting with us.
Since being here in Okeechobee, I have met a lot of families that remind me a lot of my family. It's super funny and makes me feel at home which is nice. The family we visit is doing great. They haven't been to church in a long time. I don't think they will come anytime soon but they are making good progress especially the dad. They are more and more happy when we come and when we leave. Really excited for them. They are an awesome family.
Got to also see a gator and his mom. He had a lot of questions for us which was good. He was a little confused about the authority leaving then coming back. So we explained and use the Book of Mormon to help solidify what we were saying. He didn't quite agree that the authority had left but still wanted to read the Book of Mormon. Yay!!! He would probably be the one that we will extend the baptismal invitation too.
Had a good time seeing another member. He is one that is coming back into activity which is awesome. He understands things at a slower process so we have been going by and reading the Book of Mormon with him. Helping him understand more of what he is reading. He is progressing so well that he's reading the chapters before hand and is picking things out on his own which is awesome. Love this guy so much.
Yesterday at church, there was some wonderful talks given. It was all about the Plan Of Salvation. It made me think a lot about it and the knowledge is gives me. It is so wonderful to know where we came from, why am I here, and where am I going after I die. It also feels me with so much love from my Heavenly Father. That he sent his son, Jesus Christ, for US!! I am so grateful for the gospel in my life. I'm so blessed!! I know that the Book of Mormon is true. I know my savior lives!!
I love you all!! Have a blessed week!!
Elder Pearson
Florida Orlando Mission
10502 Satellite Blvd.
Orlando, FL 32837
Monday, July 10, 2017
Week #91 -- Being A Pioneer
Hello Everybody!!!
Wow what a week!! I am absolutely loving it in Okeechobee. There are so many wonderful people here. My comp is awesome, Elder Porter. He is from Ogden, Utah! Super cool! He has been out for about 8 months. We are getting along really well and seeing some awesome success.
Here is Okeechobee, it's a branch. A branch is smaller than a ward. So adage amount of people that come is 20. This was my first time being in a branch. They welcomed me with open arms which was awesome. The branch President then asked me to give a talk in sacrament meeting which went very well.
There was a lot of awesome miracle finds this past week. One family that we found this week is an awesome Spanish family. Speak pretty good English except for the husband. He understands a little bit not too much. We had an awesome first lesson with them and accepted a Book of Mormon and allowing us to come by as well.
There's another family, a son and mom. They aren't attending a church right now but would love to attend one. We shared the restoration with them and really liked it. The son wants to take his time I guess learning about it. But they are making good progress though. Got to see a handful of the members in the ward and excited to work with them.
My talk for sacrament meeting was how to be a modern day pioneer. As I was preparing for my talk I love the what President Hinkley said about being a pioneer, "A pioneer stands up for what is right, dares to share the gospel in the face of opposition, and testifies of Christ through your actions."
Being a pioneer doesn't mean pulling a cart thousands of miles but not giving up when we go through something hard. We all go through tough times but they make us stronger with Christs help. Ask in faith and you will be given the strength to endure.
Put your trust is God that he will help you. I love you all and have a blessed week!!
Elder Pearson
Florida Orlando Mission
10502 Satellite Blvd.
Orlando, FL 32837
Wow what a week!! I am absolutely loving it in Okeechobee. There are so many wonderful people here. My comp is awesome, Elder Porter. He is from Ogden, Utah! Super cool! He has been out for about 8 months. We are getting along really well and seeing some awesome success.
Here is Okeechobee, it's a branch. A branch is smaller than a ward. So adage amount of people that come is 20. This was my first time being in a branch. They welcomed me with open arms which was awesome. The branch President then asked me to give a talk in sacrament meeting which went very well.
There was a lot of awesome miracle finds this past week. One family that we found this week is an awesome Spanish family. Speak pretty good English except for the husband. He understands a little bit not too much. We had an awesome first lesson with them and accepted a Book of Mormon and allowing us to come by as well.
There's another family, a son and mom. They aren't attending a church right now but would love to attend one. We shared the restoration with them and really liked it. The son wants to take his time I guess learning about it. But they are making good progress though. Got to see a handful of the members in the ward and excited to work with them.
My talk for sacrament meeting was how to be a modern day pioneer. As I was preparing for my talk I love the what President Hinkley said about being a pioneer, "A pioneer stands up for what is right, dares to share the gospel in the face of opposition, and testifies of Christ through your actions."
Being a pioneer doesn't mean pulling a cart thousands of miles but not giving up when we go through something hard. We all go through tough times but they make us stronger with Christs help. Ask in faith and you will be given the strength to endure.
Put your trust is God that he will help you. I love you all and have a blessed week!!
Elder Pearson
Florida Orlando Mission
10502 Satellite Blvd.
Orlando, FL 32837
Monday, July 3, 2017
Week #90 -- Okeechobee? Last Area?
Hello Everybody!!!
Hope you all had a great week. This week was pretty crazy. A lot of cool spiritual experiences I was able to have this week. I can say that may faith has grown a lot. You know I can tell ya that when the scriptures talk about that by small and simple things are great things brought to pass that it is so true. By doing the small things we can grow at such a rapid pace.
Anyway, so transfers are tomorrow and sadly I will be leaving Conway and so will Elder McKee. We are being replaced by Sister missionaries. It will be good not only for the people that we have been teaching but also the ward as well. I will be transfer to Okeechobee and my new comp is Elder Porter. So pretty much going to the middle of nowhere. It's pretty crazy cause this will most likely be my last area that I will be in. I excited though about it going there cause there's a lot of potential.
Through the spiritual experience that I have been able to have this past week I have learned a lot about faith. There's a wonderful quote that I have from Kevin W. Pearson from the Quorum of the Seventy which says, "Obedience builds faith in Christ. Faith is a principle of Action and Power."
Through our obedience our faith will lead us to act then the power comes by us acting. Faith is something that takes a while to grow. It doesn't come easy but takes time to build. But something I have learned from faith that there are times that we may not know which way to go. Taking Nephi for example, when him and his brothers return to Jerusalem to receive the brass plates and after failing twice Nephi knew that the promise from the lord would be fulfilled, that they would get the plates. As Nephi went into Jerusalem, it specifically stated that he knew not of what to do but was filled with the spirit. He didn't know what to do but walked by faith. There are times it might seem very scary to take that leap of faith cause we don't know what the outcome will be. But there are many promises that lord gives to us and just like the one he gave to Nephi it will be fulfilled as we exercise our faith. I can promise you that as you take that step or steps you will be strengthened and grow from those experiences just like I did.
I love you all and hope you have a blessed week.
Elder Pearson
Florida Orlando Mission
10502 Satellite Blvd.
Orlando, FL 32837
Hope you all had a great week. This week was pretty crazy. A lot of cool spiritual experiences I was able to have this week. I can say that may faith has grown a lot. You know I can tell ya that when the scriptures talk about that by small and simple things are great things brought to pass that it is so true. By doing the small things we can grow at such a rapid pace.
Anyway, so transfers are tomorrow and sadly I will be leaving Conway and so will Elder McKee. We are being replaced by Sister missionaries. It will be good not only for the people that we have been teaching but also the ward as well. I will be transfer to Okeechobee and my new comp is Elder Porter. So pretty much going to the middle of nowhere. It's pretty crazy cause this will most likely be my last area that I will be in. I excited though about it going there cause there's a lot of potential.
Through the spiritual experience that I have been able to have this past week I have learned a lot about faith. There's a wonderful quote that I have from Kevin W. Pearson from the Quorum of the Seventy which says, "Obedience builds faith in Christ. Faith is a principle of Action and Power."
Through our obedience our faith will lead us to act then the power comes by us acting. Faith is something that takes a while to grow. It doesn't come easy but takes time to build. But something I have learned from faith that there are times that we may not know which way to go. Taking Nephi for example, when him and his brothers return to Jerusalem to receive the brass plates and after failing twice Nephi knew that the promise from the lord would be fulfilled, that they would get the plates. As Nephi went into Jerusalem, it specifically stated that he knew not of what to do but was filled with the spirit. He didn't know what to do but walked by faith. There are times it might seem very scary to take that leap of faith cause we don't know what the outcome will be. But there are many promises that lord gives to us and just like the one he gave to Nephi it will be fulfilled as we exercise our faith. I can promise you that as you take that step or steps you will be strengthened and grow from those experiences just like I did.
I love you all and hope you have a blessed week.
Elder Pearson
Florida Orlando Mission
10502 Satellite Blvd.
Orlando, FL 32837
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