Hello Everybody!!!
Got some really good new for you all!! Last Saturday we got transfer calls and I get to stay for my last six weeks here in Okeechobee with.....Elder Porter!!! Whaoo!!! It has been such a blast to be with him. I have learned a lot from him by the spirit.
There a lot to talk about so I'll jump right into it. Our sister investigator is doing really well and making good progress towards baptism. We are going through the addiction recovery book to help her with wanting to quite smoking. It went really well and could see that it helped. It has been really hard for her to quite when she tried in the past. When we saw her later in the week we talked about baptism and what steps she needs to take to get there. We read Matthew 3 with her which is the chapter which talks about the baptism of Jesus Christ by John the Baptist. She made some good comments that she needs to put more trust/faith to make those steps towards baptism.
Also saw a brother investigator! He's been having some health issues and has been going to the doctor a lot but had Brother Fry come with us and they connected really well. Brother Fry invited him over for dinner this Tuesday cause we eat at their house every Tuesday so that will be awesome. Another couple investigating is doing well too. Read from the Book of Mormon with him and his wife. Read Alma 34 which talk about what God expects of us while on this earth. The spirit was super strong and know he could feel it even though he doesn't talk a lot. We had the Senior couple, Lorenzens, come with us and they are able to give some great comments and support for them.
Had a super awesome lesson with another sister investigator. She is so awesome and so funny. It's awesome cause she knows I'm trying to learn Spanish so she helps me with words and how to say things. She is progressing really well and super excited for her. This last time we talked to her about the Gospel of Jesus Christ; when we got to baptism, she asked "If I would join your church why would I have to be baptized again?". And so we explained that it is key in having the proper authority while performing a saving ordinance. We then committed her to be baptism but she said she wants to know more and have a chance to read from the Book of Mormon. She hasn't been able to read any of it yet cause she doesn't have every good eye sight. So we are waiting on a large print Book of Mormon for her.
One thing I enjoy the most is to really connect with the members in what ever area I might be serving in. One night we got to see a member sister and visit with her. Recently this wonderful family had been going through some tough trials and it's been especially her. She began to share the things she has been doing like reading her scriptures, daily prayers, and ect. Elder Porter and I shared with her this that we have done to overcome or receive strength through trials. We both mentioned about fasting and she said that she had thought about that, but hesitated to do so. We assured her that the spirit is promoting her to do so and that she needed to act on it. She says she would do it this week.
Last but not least the investigating family. Got to visit with them last night and they are such a whoot. They ask so many questions, which is awesome. We have had good talks with them in the past, but didn't really know for sure if this is something they want the learn more about. We had that talk with them and show real desire that they want to learn which is awesome.
Throughout my personal study this week, I have been studying my patriarchal blessing a lot. I'm so grateful for my blessing. So much wonderful guidance that it gives me and I pray that I may continue to learn more. I encourage those that have a patriarchal blessing read it. Learn of the promised blessings that the lord has given you. It is personal scripture that is for you and only you. If you don't have it then I would advise to get one. You will be blessed by doing so.
I love you all so much. Have a great week!!
Elder Pearson
Florida Orlando Mission
10502 Satellite Blvd.
Orlando, FL 32837
Called to serve the Florida Orlando Mission

Monday, August 14, 2017
Monday, August 7, 2017
Week #95 -- Miracles Are Real!!
Hello Everybody!!
Wow, there was so many amazing miracles that happened. I don't know where to begin.
Our week was pretty busy and filled with a lot of appointments. The I only times we were able to find people to teach were when we had appointments fall through. To start we had a wonderful time seeing our sister investigator. Even though I can't fully understand cause she only speaks Spanish I can feel the spirit super strong. Elder Porter has been teaching me how to pray and testify in Spanish. So I was able to practice with her. It was awesome even though it was super basic.
We also got to see another brother investigator. He has been having health problem so it been hard to meet with him but he's doing better which is good.
We also saw a couple that is investigating. The husband has a lot of questions and sometimes is difficult to answer all of them. He has a true desire to learn more and we can see that his faith is growing more. Which is awesome.
Met some really cool people that we are going to continue to meet with. The first is someone we meet near a members house. We were early to our dinner and thought we would see who is outside and talk to them. He was the only one outside. Had a good talk with him and said we could come back. One of the sisters we met has a strong faith in Christ. She has been feeling like something is missing in her life especially when she goes to church like there's something more. So that was a very special experience to tell her about the Book of Mormon and how is can give us add strength and guidance in this life.
Anyway, the gospel is true!!!
I love you all and have a blessed week!!
Elder Pearson
Florida Orlando Mission
10502 Satellite Blvd.
Orlando, FL 32837
Wow, there was so many amazing miracles that happened. I don't know where to begin.
Our week was pretty busy and filled with a lot of appointments. The I only times we were able to find people to teach were when we had appointments fall through. To start we had a wonderful time seeing our sister investigator. Even though I can't fully understand cause she only speaks Spanish I can feel the spirit super strong. Elder Porter has been teaching me how to pray and testify in Spanish. So I was able to practice with her. It was awesome even though it was super basic.
We also got to see another brother investigator. He has been having health problem so it been hard to meet with him but he's doing better which is good.
We also saw a couple that is investigating. The husband has a lot of questions and sometimes is difficult to answer all of them. He has a true desire to learn more and we can see that his faith is growing more. Which is awesome.
Met some really cool people that we are going to continue to meet with. The first is someone we meet near a members house. We were early to our dinner and thought we would see who is outside and talk to them. He was the only one outside. Had a good talk with him and said we could come back. One of the sisters we met has a strong faith in Christ. She has been feeling like something is missing in her life especially when she goes to church like there's something more. So that was a very special experience to tell her about the Book of Mormon and how is can give us add strength and guidance in this life.
Anyway, the gospel is true!!!
I love you all and have a blessed week!!
Elder Pearson
Florida Orlando Mission
10502 Satellite Blvd.
Orlando, FL 32837
Monday, July 31, 2017
Week #94 -- Spanish Work
Hello Everyone!!!
Hope to all had a wonderful week.
We had some awesome miracles which I would like to share with you.
One thing that is super exciting is that since the Spanish work is increasing rapidly I have been practicing Spanish. Right now I can say a very, very, very, basic prayer in Spanish. I'll keep you updated how that goes.
The sister investigating is doing really well. We saw her twice this week; her faith is growing also her willingness to quite smoking. We made a goal with her to only have 9 cigarettes a day for this week. Then on Thursday we get a call from her saying that she started doing 8 that day and she was struggling to not have the nine and so we talked to her and encouraged her and gave her assurance that she could do it. Sadly when we came over the next day she had the nine. This is a good example to show that not always do we succeed in overcoming our struggles that we face. I'll explain more about this towards the end of my letter cause it's something I have been focusing on through my own weaknesses that I have.
Brought one of the members in the branch and talked about the book of Mormon with him. Explaining the purpose of it. He has a strong testimony and loves having us over.
On Thursday, the missionaries in the Sebering area came to our area and did what is called a Blitz. Which is 4 missionaries trying to teach everyone that they can in the one area. So we had some really cool things happen. One was we were able to talk to a sister which is a member in the branch that speaks Español. Their is an investigator that we have that only speaks Spanish. We have been trying to get in contact so we could have them met and fellowship this investigator. Come to find out is that they were out of town cause one of their relatives was leaving for his mission and was giving his farewell talk. The husband went with them and he isn't a member and he was very touched as he went so hopefully we can start teaching him.
Then yesterday we had the sister and her son visit with us. They did a wonderful job in sharing thier testimonies and what they've learned about the gospel. It was awesome for them to come cause they are coming back into activity.
Back to what I was saying about weaknesses. Humility is something that is part of our eternal progression while here on earth. In Ether 12:27 it says,
27 And if men come unto me I will show unto them their weakness. I give unto men weakness that they may be humble; and my grace is sufficient for all men that humble themselves before me; for if they humble themselves before me, and have faith in me, then will I make weak things become strong unto them.
Before our weaknesses can become our strengths we must be humble. As we become humble we are able to receive the loving correction from our heavenly father. I'm trying super hard to be humble so I can have the spirit to bed with me and for the lord to make my weaknesses my strengths.
I am so blessed to be here in Florida and to peach the gospel. To help others strengthen there faith in Christ.
I love you all and have a blessed week!
Elder Pearson
Florida Orlando Mission
10502 Satellite Blvd.
Orlando, FL 32837
Hope to all had a wonderful week.
We had some awesome miracles which I would like to share with you.
One thing that is super exciting is that since the Spanish work is increasing rapidly I have been practicing Spanish. Right now I can say a very, very, very, basic prayer in Spanish. I'll keep you updated how that goes.
The sister investigating is doing really well. We saw her twice this week; her faith is growing also her willingness to quite smoking. We made a goal with her to only have 9 cigarettes a day for this week. Then on Thursday we get a call from her saying that she started doing 8 that day and she was struggling to not have the nine and so we talked to her and encouraged her and gave her assurance that she could do it. Sadly when we came over the next day she had the nine. This is a good example to show that not always do we succeed in overcoming our struggles that we face. I'll explain more about this towards the end of my letter cause it's something I have been focusing on through my own weaknesses that I have.
Brought one of the members in the branch and talked about the book of Mormon with him. Explaining the purpose of it. He has a strong testimony and loves having us over.
On Thursday, the missionaries in the Sebering area came to our area and did what is called a Blitz. Which is 4 missionaries trying to teach everyone that they can in the one area. So we had some really cool things happen. One was we were able to talk to a sister which is a member in the branch that speaks Español. Their is an investigator that we have that only speaks Spanish. We have been trying to get in contact so we could have them met and fellowship this investigator. Come to find out is that they were out of town cause one of their relatives was leaving for his mission and was giving his farewell talk. The husband went with them and he isn't a member and he was very touched as he went so hopefully we can start teaching him.
Then yesterday we had the sister and her son visit with us. They did a wonderful job in sharing thier testimonies and what they've learned about the gospel. It was awesome for them to come cause they are coming back into activity.
Back to what I was saying about weaknesses. Humility is something that is part of our eternal progression while here on earth. In Ether 12:27 it says,
27 And if men come unto me I will show unto them their weakness. I give unto men weakness that they may be humble; and my grace is sufficient for all men that humble themselves before me; for if they humble themselves before me, and have faith in me, then will I make weak things become strong unto them.
Before our weaknesses can become our strengths we must be humble. As we become humble we are able to receive the loving correction from our heavenly father. I'm trying super hard to be humble so I can have the spirit to bed with me and for the lord to make my weaknesses my strengths.
I am so blessed to be here in Florida and to peach the gospel. To help others strengthen there faith in Christ.
I love you all and have a blessed week!
Elder Pearson
Florida Orlando Mission
10502 Satellite Blvd.
Orlando, FL 32837
Monday, July 24, 2017
Week #93 -- Importance Of Scripture Study
Hello Everybody!!!
Had so many awesome things happen this week.
First off had Zone Conference. We were blessed to be taught by our wonderful Mission President and his wife and also other missionaries in the mission. It was very uplifting and always feel rejuvenated and ready to work hard.
Throughout the meeting, the big focus was on finding people to teach. This has been a big focus in the mission and we're giving some wonderful guidance by President Clark. Talked about setting meaningful goals, praying, and having a lot of faith so we will be able to find those that the lord is preparing.
The sad part about being that the meeting was I didn't really know a lot of missionaries only a handful of them I really knew. #almost2monthsleft
Anyway, had a awesome lesson with an investigator and his family. Talked about the Plan Of Salvation, helping them realize that there is a purpose for being here in earth. He was asking so many great questions; we went through the scriptures and answered his questions, it was fantastic. The kids were participating a lot too. Finally at the end we had him say the prayer and he did it!!! Yes!!! It's so awesome to see this family grow.
We found a lady this past week. She has strong faith in Christ and also met with missionaries in the past. We called her and asked if we could come by and she said yes. So we went by and asked about how she got in contact with the missionaries, what her religious background is, etc. She then told us that she has been reading through the Book of Mormon and she is in 3 Nephi 18!! What!!! She then told that she knows it's true too #miracle!! She does have some thing she will have to work through in order to be baptized which will be a challenge, but with the lords help anything is possible. Hopefully we will be able to set a baptismal date with her this week.
Another miracle Find was when we were seeing some members that haven't been to church in a while. They were busy so we had saw a guy just chilling outside and so went over to talk to him. He wasn't interested, but we asked if there was anyone he knew that would be. He told us the lady across the street would be. We went knocked on her door and was super open in talking with us. She isn't going to any particular church, but has been praying to know which church to go to and then we show up. We talked to her about the restoration and gave her a Book of Mormon. As we talked to her, she mentioned that her mom has a Book of Mormon and they live close by so we are hoping to have her parents come over as well and meet with us too.
Just recently, the Okeechobee branch was able to start a family history center. I have not done a lot of family history and neither has Elder Porter. We had extra time that day to stop in and learn how to do stuff on it so we could help our investigators do it too. As we were doing it there was some temple work for some of my relatives that need to be done and so I'm planing on taking a name to the temple the next time I can go which is very exciting cause I have only done it twice I think. I now understand why the general authorities say to do family history work cause it so important. It's so awesome cause you not only learn about the history of your family but you also gain a love for those ancestors.
At church on Sunday, we were able to have 6 investigators come!!!!! It was so awesome to have them come and the talks that were given were perfect. It was on the importance of scripture study. One of the speakers talked about the armor of God and how it protects us against Satan. She focused on the shield of faith and the sword of the spirit. The sword of the spirit is the word of god or the scriptures. She also explain how much power the scriptures have. When Jesus was tempted by Satan three time Christ used the scriptures to defend himself. The scriptures is what we have to fight back against Satan. The shield of faith is very strong too. Not only is it good to protect ourselves but all of us can combined our shields and make one big shield. To build each other up and strengthen ourselves together. She also shared an experience she had that tested her faith and she knew that she need to put her nose in the scriptures and study them as much as possible. She shared how she put sticky notes all over the place and on her mirrors of scripture references that she had read. Any place that she could find so she would read them. Such an amazing talk and has made me want to just burry myself more in the scriptures and learn from them.
This gospel of Jesus Christ is true. I know it is and has blessed my life so much. As we just burry ourselves in the scriptures Satan will have no power over us and we will be victorious. I love you all and have a blessed week.
Elder Pearson
Florida Orlando Mission
10502 Satellite Blvd.
Orlando, FL 32837
Had so many awesome things happen this week.
First off had Zone Conference. We were blessed to be taught by our wonderful Mission President and his wife and also other missionaries in the mission. It was very uplifting and always feel rejuvenated and ready to work hard.
Throughout the meeting, the big focus was on finding people to teach. This has been a big focus in the mission and we're giving some wonderful guidance by President Clark. Talked about setting meaningful goals, praying, and having a lot of faith so we will be able to find those that the lord is preparing.
The sad part about being that the meeting was I didn't really know a lot of missionaries only a handful of them I really knew. #almost2monthsleft
Anyway, had a awesome lesson with an investigator and his family. Talked about the Plan Of Salvation, helping them realize that there is a purpose for being here in earth. He was asking so many great questions; we went through the scriptures and answered his questions, it was fantastic. The kids were participating a lot too. Finally at the end we had him say the prayer and he did it!!! Yes!!! It's so awesome to see this family grow.
We found a lady this past week. She has strong faith in Christ and also met with missionaries in the past. We called her and asked if we could come by and she said yes. So we went by and asked about how she got in contact with the missionaries, what her religious background is, etc. She then told us that she has been reading through the Book of Mormon and she is in 3 Nephi 18!! What!!! She then told that she knows it's true too #miracle!! She does have some thing she will have to work through in order to be baptized which will be a challenge, but with the lords help anything is possible. Hopefully we will be able to set a baptismal date with her this week.
Another miracle Find was when we were seeing some members that haven't been to church in a while. They were busy so we had saw a guy just chilling outside and so went over to talk to him. He wasn't interested, but we asked if there was anyone he knew that would be. He told us the lady across the street would be. We went knocked on her door and was super open in talking with us. She isn't going to any particular church, but has been praying to know which church to go to and then we show up. We talked to her about the restoration and gave her a Book of Mormon. As we talked to her, she mentioned that her mom has a Book of Mormon and they live close by so we are hoping to have her parents come over as well and meet with us too.
Just recently, the Okeechobee branch was able to start a family history center. I have not done a lot of family history and neither has Elder Porter. We had extra time that day to stop in and learn how to do stuff on it so we could help our investigators do it too. As we were doing it there was some temple work for some of my relatives that need to be done and so I'm planing on taking a name to the temple the next time I can go which is very exciting cause I have only done it twice I think. I now understand why the general authorities say to do family history work cause it so important. It's so awesome cause you not only learn about the history of your family but you also gain a love for those ancestors.
At church on Sunday, we were able to have 6 investigators come!!!!! It was so awesome to have them come and the talks that were given were perfect. It was on the importance of scripture study. One of the speakers talked about the armor of God and how it protects us against Satan. She focused on the shield of faith and the sword of the spirit. The sword of the spirit is the word of god or the scriptures. She also explain how much power the scriptures have. When Jesus was tempted by Satan three time Christ used the scriptures to defend himself. The scriptures is what we have to fight back against Satan. The shield of faith is very strong too. Not only is it good to protect ourselves but all of us can combined our shields and make one big shield. To build each other up and strengthen ourselves together. She also shared an experience she had that tested her faith and she knew that she need to put her nose in the scriptures and study them as much as possible. She shared how she put sticky notes all over the place and on her mirrors of scripture references that she had read. Any place that she could find so she would read them. Such an amazing talk and has made me want to just burry myself more in the scriptures and learn from them.
This gospel of Jesus Christ is true. I know it is and has blessed my life so much. As we just burry ourselves in the scriptures Satan will have no power over us and we will be victorious. I love you all and have a blessed week.
Elder Pearson
Florida Orlando Mission
10502 Satellite Blvd.
Orlando, FL 32837
Monday, July 17, 2017
Week #92 -- God's Plan of Happiness
Hello Everybody!!!
Had another great week here in Okeechobee.
We were planing on putting a couple of our investigators on date but didn't happen which was a bummer. We are planing to have one person this week on a baptismal date. Not sure who we will ask but will ask someone. Didn't have any investigators come to church which was a bummer. We did get a handful of new investigators which was awesome so hopefully they will progress in meeting with us.
Since being here in Okeechobee, I have met a lot of families that remind me a lot of my family. It's super funny and makes me feel at home which is nice. The family we visit is doing great. They haven't been to church in a long time. I don't think they will come anytime soon but they are making good progress especially the dad. They are more and more happy when we come and when we leave. Really excited for them. They are an awesome family.
Got to also see a gator and his mom. He had a lot of questions for us which was good. He was a little confused about the authority leaving then coming back. So we explained and use the Book of Mormon to help solidify what we were saying. He didn't quite agree that the authority had left but still wanted to read the Book of Mormon. Yay!!! He would probably be the one that we will extend the baptismal invitation too.
Had a good time seeing another member. He is one that is coming back into activity which is awesome. He understands things at a slower process so we have been going by and reading the Book of Mormon with him. Helping him understand more of what he is reading. He is progressing so well that he's reading the chapters before hand and is picking things out on his own which is awesome. Love this guy so much.
Yesterday at church, there was some wonderful talks given. It was all about the Plan Of Salvation. It made me think a lot about it and the knowledge is gives me. It is so wonderful to know where we came from, why am I here, and where am I going after I die. It also feels me with so much love from my Heavenly Father. That he sent his son, Jesus Christ, for US!! I am so grateful for the gospel in my life. I'm so blessed!! I know that the Book of Mormon is true. I know my savior lives!!
I love you all!! Have a blessed week!!
Elder Pearson
Florida Orlando Mission
10502 Satellite Blvd.
Orlando, FL 32837
Had another great week here in Okeechobee.
We were planing on putting a couple of our investigators on date but didn't happen which was a bummer. We are planing to have one person this week on a baptismal date. Not sure who we will ask but will ask someone. Didn't have any investigators come to church which was a bummer. We did get a handful of new investigators which was awesome so hopefully they will progress in meeting with us.
Since being here in Okeechobee, I have met a lot of families that remind me a lot of my family. It's super funny and makes me feel at home which is nice. The family we visit is doing great. They haven't been to church in a long time. I don't think they will come anytime soon but they are making good progress especially the dad. They are more and more happy when we come and when we leave. Really excited for them. They are an awesome family.
Got to also see a gator and his mom. He had a lot of questions for us which was good. He was a little confused about the authority leaving then coming back. So we explained and use the Book of Mormon to help solidify what we were saying. He didn't quite agree that the authority had left but still wanted to read the Book of Mormon. Yay!!! He would probably be the one that we will extend the baptismal invitation too.
Had a good time seeing another member. He is one that is coming back into activity which is awesome. He understands things at a slower process so we have been going by and reading the Book of Mormon with him. Helping him understand more of what he is reading. He is progressing so well that he's reading the chapters before hand and is picking things out on his own which is awesome. Love this guy so much.
Yesterday at church, there was some wonderful talks given. It was all about the Plan Of Salvation. It made me think a lot about it and the knowledge is gives me. It is so wonderful to know where we came from, why am I here, and where am I going after I die. It also feels me with so much love from my Heavenly Father. That he sent his son, Jesus Christ, for US!! I am so grateful for the gospel in my life. I'm so blessed!! I know that the Book of Mormon is true. I know my savior lives!!
I love you all!! Have a blessed week!!
Elder Pearson
Florida Orlando Mission
10502 Satellite Blvd.
Orlando, FL 32837
Monday, July 10, 2017
Week #91 -- Being A Pioneer
Hello Everybody!!!
Wow what a week!! I am absolutely loving it in Okeechobee. There are so many wonderful people here. My comp is awesome, Elder Porter. He is from Ogden, Utah! Super cool! He has been out for about 8 months. We are getting along really well and seeing some awesome success.
Here is Okeechobee, it's a branch. A branch is smaller than a ward. So adage amount of people that come is 20. This was my first time being in a branch. They welcomed me with open arms which was awesome. The branch President then asked me to give a talk in sacrament meeting which went very well.
There was a lot of awesome miracle finds this past week. One family that we found this week is an awesome Spanish family. Speak pretty good English except for the husband. He understands a little bit not too much. We had an awesome first lesson with them and accepted a Book of Mormon and allowing us to come by as well.
There's another family, a son and mom. They aren't attending a church right now but would love to attend one. We shared the restoration with them and really liked it. The son wants to take his time I guess learning about it. But they are making good progress though. Got to see a handful of the members in the ward and excited to work with them.
My talk for sacrament meeting was how to be a modern day pioneer. As I was preparing for my talk I love the what President Hinkley said about being a pioneer, "A pioneer stands up for what is right, dares to share the gospel in the face of opposition, and testifies of Christ through your actions."
Being a pioneer doesn't mean pulling a cart thousands of miles but not giving up when we go through something hard. We all go through tough times but they make us stronger with Christs help. Ask in faith and you will be given the strength to endure.
Put your trust is God that he will help you. I love you all and have a blessed week!!
Elder Pearson
Florida Orlando Mission
10502 Satellite Blvd.
Orlando, FL 32837
Wow what a week!! I am absolutely loving it in Okeechobee. There are so many wonderful people here. My comp is awesome, Elder Porter. He is from Ogden, Utah! Super cool! He has been out for about 8 months. We are getting along really well and seeing some awesome success.
Here is Okeechobee, it's a branch. A branch is smaller than a ward. So adage amount of people that come is 20. This was my first time being in a branch. They welcomed me with open arms which was awesome. The branch President then asked me to give a talk in sacrament meeting which went very well.
There was a lot of awesome miracle finds this past week. One family that we found this week is an awesome Spanish family. Speak pretty good English except for the husband. He understands a little bit not too much. We had an awesome first lesson with them and accepted a Book of Mormon and allowing us to come by as well.
There's another family, a son and mom. They aren't attending a church right now but would love to attend one. We shared the restoration with them and really liked it. The son wants to take his time I guess learning about it. But they are making good progress though. Got to see a handful of the members in the ward and excited to work with them.
My talk for sacrament meeting was how to be a modern day pioneer. As I was preparing for my talk I love the what President Hinkley said about being a pioneer, "A pioneer stands up for what is right, dares to share the gospel in the face of opposition, and testifies of Christ through your actions."
Being a pioneer doesn't mean pulling a cart thousands of miles but not giving up when we go through something hard. We all go through tough times but they make us stronger with Christs help. Ask in faith and you will be given the strength to endure.
Put your trust is God that he will help you. I love you all and have a blessed week!!
Elder Pearson
Florida Orlando Mission
10502 Satellite Blvd.
Orlando, FL 32837
Monday, July 3, 2017
Week #90 -- Okeechobee? Last Area?
Hello Everybody!!!
Hope you all had a great week. This week was pretty crazy. A lot of cool spiritual experiences I was able to have this week. I can say that may faith has grown a lot. You know I can tell ya that when the scriptures talk about that by small and simple things are great things brought to pass that it is so true. By doing the small things we can grow at such a rapid pace.
Anyway, so transfers are tomorrow and sadly I will be leaving Conway and so will Elder McKee. We are being replaced by Sister missionaries. It will be good not only for the people that we have been teaching but also the ward as well. I will be transfer to Okeechobee and my new comp is Elder Porter. So pretty much going to the middle of nowhere. It's pretty crazy cause this will most likely be my last area that I will be in. I excited though about it going there cause there's a lot of potential.
Through the spiritual experience that I have been able to have this past week I have learned a lot about faith. There's a wonderful quote that I have from Kevin W. Pearson from the Quorum of the Seventy which says, "Obedience builds faith in Christ. Faith is a principle of Action and Power."
Through our obedience our faith will lead us to act then the power comes by us acting. Faith is something that takes a while to grow. It doesn't come easy but takes time to build. But something I have learned from faith that there are times that we may not know which way to go. Taking Nephi for example, when him and his brothers return to Jerusalem to receive the brass plates and after failing twice Nephi knew that the promise from the lord would be fulfilled, that they would get the plates. As Nephi went into Jerusalem, it specifically stated that he knew not of what to do but was filled with the spirit. He didn't know what to do but walked by faith. There are times it might seem very scary to take that leap of faith cause we don't know what the outcome will be. But there are many promises that lord gives to us and just like the one he gave to Nephi it will be fulfilled as we exercise our faith. I can promise you that as you take that step or steps you will be strengthened and grow from those experiences just like I did.
I love you all and hope you have a blessed week.
Elder Pearson
Florida Orlando Mission
10502 Satellite Blvd.
Orlando, FL 32837
Hope you all had a great week. This week was pretty crazy. A lot of cool spiritual experiences I was able to have this week. I can say that may faith has grown a lot. You know I can tell ya that when the scriptures talk about that by small and simple things are great things brought to pass that it is so true. By doing the small things we can grow at such a rapid pace.
Anyway, so transfers are tomorrow and sadly I will be leaving Conway and so will Elder McKee. We are being replaced by Sister missionaries. It will be good not only for the people that we have been teaching but also the ward as well. I will be transfer to Okeechobee and my new comp is Elder Porter. So pretty much going to the middle of nowhere. It's pretty crazy cause this will most likely be my last area that I will be in. I excited though about it going there cause there's a lot of potential.
Through the spiritual experience that I have been able to have this past week I have learned a lot about faith. There's a wonderful quote that I have from Kevin W. Pearson from the Quorum of the Seventy which says, "Obedience builds faith in Christ. Faith is a principle of Action and Power."
Through our obedience our faith will lead us to act then the power comes by us acting. Faith is something that takes a while to grow. It doesn't come easy but takes time to build. But something I have learned from faith that there are times that we may not know which way to go. Taking Nephi for example, when him and his brothers return to Jerusalem to receive the brass plates and after failing twice Nephi knew that the promise from the lord would be fulfilled, that they would get the plates. As Nephi went into Jerusalem, it specifically stated that he knew not of what to do but was filled with the spirit. He didn't know what to do but walked by faith. There are times it might seem very scary to take that leap of faith cause we don't know what the outcome will be. But there are many promises that lord gives to us and just like the one he gave to Nephi it will be fulfilled as we exercise our faith. I can promise you that as you take that step or steps you will be strengthened and grow from those experiences just like I did.
I love you all and hope you have a blessed week.
Elder Pearson
Florida Orlando Mission
10502 Satellite Blvd.
Orlando, FL 32837
Monday, June 26, 2017
Week #89 -- Too Hot and Personal Revelation
Hey Everybody,
Wow I can't tell you how hot it is getting here. Not pleasant but I guess I can't complain to much since AZ is hitting 120's! 😱
Anyway, this past week was ok. Sadly a lot of our appointments fell threw so did a lot of knocking but that was so successful either. But I can tell ya that I have been taught a lot by the spirit.
Yesterday at church was so amazing. In my personal studies, I have been studying the Atonement of Jesus Christ specifically using it. I know we aren't perfect but it seems like I criticize myself to much when I make little mistakes here and there. But I have been learning more and more that as we apply the atonement of Jesus Christ in our lives we are improving. Those that don't use it are only hurting themselves and holding them back from there full potential.
The best part through these studies was on Sunday. As the sacrament was being passed I had the most wonderful feeling from the Holy Ghost. As I continue to strive in my life and be the best that I can be the lord will continue to bless me and strengthen me.
I want you all to know that I know the Book of Mormon is true. I know that our Savior lives and loves each one of us. I know that President Thomas Monson is our Prophet on earth today. Please know you are never along in the battle between Heavenly Father and Satan even though at times it may feel like it. Open you heart to your Heavenly Father and he will answer you.
I love you all and have a blessed week!!
Elder Pearson
Florida Orlando Mission
10502 Satellite Blvd.
Orlando, FL 32837
Wow I can't tell you how hot it is getting here. Not pleasant but I guess I can't complain to much since AZ is hitting 120's! 😱
Anyway, this past week was ok. Sadly a lot of our appointments fell threw so did a lot of knocking but that was so successful either. But I can tell ya that I have been taught a lot by the spirit.
Yesterday at church was so amazing. In my personal studies, I have been studying the Atonement of Jesus Christ specifically using it. I know we aren't perfect but it seems like I criticize myself to much when I make little mistakes here and there. But I have been learning more and more that as we apply the atonement of Jesus Christ in our lives we are improving. Those that don't use it are only hurting themselves and holding them back from there full potential.
The best part through these studies was on Sunday. As the sacrament was being passed I had the most wonderful feeling from the Holy Ghost. As I continue to strive in my life and be the best that I can be the lord will continue to bless me and strengthen me.
I want you all to know that I know the Book of Mormon is true. I know that our Savior lives and loves each one of us. I know that President Thomas Monson is our Prophet on earth today. Please know you are never along in the battle between Heavenly Father and Satan even though at times it may feel like it. Open you heart to your Heavenly Father and he will answer you.
I love you all and have a blessed week!!
Elder Pearson
Florida Orlando Mission
10502 Satellite Blvd.
Orlando, FL 32837
Monday, June 19, 2017
Week #88 -- Fishing, Sunburn, and Moldy Cheese
Hello Everybody!!!
Sorry for the late email. Elder McKee and I got to able to go finishing today with Elder Mckee's Grandpa and so finally now getting wifi. Didn't catch anything though. Got really sunburned.
This was week was pretty great. Had some great lessons with a gator and he's really progressing which is fantastic. Asks really good questions which we love. Hoping to put him on a baptismal date this week. So really excited about that. Got to visit a part-member family. They are having there first child which is exciting. They are making some new changes in their life and know that they need to have Christ more in there life especially for there kids. Got some more people to teach this week. So hoping that they will progress and continue to meet with us.
Got to go on exchanges with Elder Barben. Such an awesome dude. Elder Barben was in the same district as me when I was in New Smyrna with Graham Richards. It was awesome to be with him and reminded me of things that I need to work on which is good. For dinner we thought we good enough cooks make some homemade mac and cheese. As we started, we are smelling something really weird and couldn't figure it out what it was. Once we finished, of course we figured out what where the smell was coming from. THE CHEESE!! But the weird part is that it wasn't expired. So after eating a couple bites I didn't have a bad feeling about it so we stopped and fixed something else. But funny memory though.
Well I hope you all have a wonderful week!! I love you all!!
Elder Pearson
Florida Orlando Mission
10502 Satellite Blvd.
Orlando, FL 32837
Sorry for the late email. Elder McKee and I got to able to go finishing today with Elder Mckee's Grandpa and so finally now getting wifi. Didn't catch anything though. Got really sunburned.
This was week was pretty great. Had some great lessons with a gator and he's really progressing which is fantastic. Asks really good questions which we love. Hoping to put him on a baptismal date this week. So really excited about that. Got to visit a part-member family. They are having there first child which is exciting. They are making some new changes in their life and know that they need to have Christ more in there life especially for there kids. Got some more people to teach this week. So hoping that they will progress and continue to meet with us.
Got to go on exchanges with Elder Barben. Such an awesome dude. Elder Barben was in the same district as me when I was in New Smyrna with Graham Richards. It was awesome to be with him and reminded me of things that I need to work on which is good. For dinner we thought we good enough cooks make some homemade mac and cheese. As we started, we are smelling something really weird and couldn't figure it out what it was. Once we finished, of course we figured out what where the smell was coming from. THE CHEESE!! But the weird part is that it wasn't expired. So after eating a couple bites I didn't have a bad feeling about it so we stopped and fixed something else. But funny memory though.
Well I hope you all have a wonderful week!! I love you all!!
Elder Pearson
Florida Orlando Mission
10502 Satellite Blvd.
Orlando, FL 32837
We did some service for a member -- this will make a great mission story to share.
Monday, June 12, 2017
Week #87 -- Zone Conference, New Gators and Lots of Lightening!!
Hello Everybody!!!
I hope everyone had a wonderful Sunday yesterday. There was Ward Conference yesterday and it was so awesome. Such great talks given.
This past week was pretty great. We were able to pick up a hand full of investigators. One of them is name is a super awesome guy and has a lot of questions. He talked about when he was in high school that there was someone that was a member and that everything that she did stood out to him and notice something different about. He knew that she was LDS but didn't know what that meant. And so recently he's been turn his life around and going back to church and saw an ad for requesting a book of Mormon and so we did. We came to his house had a wonderful lesson on the restoration of the gospel of Jesus Christ. We also had a wonderful member that was able to bear his testimony. Exciting part he's all the way in chapter 10 in first Nephi.
Later in the week we had a wonderful zone conference up at the lake Mary chapel. There was wonderful training that were given and spirit was very strong. To me a lot of the trainings were a spiritual boost. Talk to our investigators how to help them progress in the Gospel. Talked about how to be the best friend for them by reading with them, praying with them, doing things to help them exercise their faith in Christ. Got to see a handful of other missionaries that I've served around and it was good to see you beautiful faces.
This past Saturday, I had the wonderful opportunity to go up to New Smyrna Beach and witness the baptism of a young man we taught previously. He is from a family that I've known for my entire mission pretty much. It was a wonderful experience to see someone enter into the waters a baptism. He is such a great kid and has so many things in store for him.The best part is that Elder Amiott was the one to perform the baptismal ordinance. So I got to see him as well a lot of the other members in the ward.
Things are progressing here in the Conway award. The Lord is definitely a blessing Elder McKee and I am finding more people to teach. I love you all and I hope that you have a wonderful and blessed week. There's anything I can do let me know.
Elder Pearson
Florida Orlando Mission
10502 Satellite Blvd.
Orlando, FL 32837
I hope everyone had a wonderful Sunday yesterday. There was Ward Conference yesterday and it was so awesome. Such great talks given.
This past week was pretty great. We were able to pick up a hand full of investigators. One of them is name is a super awesome guy and has a lot of questions. He talked about when he was in high school that there was someone that was a member and that everything that she did stood out to him and notice something different about. He knew that she was LDS but didn't know what that meant. And so recently he's been turn his life around and going back to church and saw an ad for requesting a book of Mormon and so we did. We came to his house had a wonderful lesson on the restoration of the gospel of Jesus Christ. We also had a wonderful member that was able to bear his testimony. Exciting part he's all the way in chapter 10 in first Nephi.
Later in the week we had a wonderful zone conference up at the lake Mary chapel. There was wonderful training that were given and spirit was very strong. To me a lot of the trainings were a spiritual boost. Talk to our investigators how to help them progress in the Gospel. Talked about how to be the best friend for them by reading with them, praying with them, doing things to help them exercise their faith in Christ. Got to see a handful of other missionaries that I've served around and it was good to see you beautiful faces.
This past Saturday, I had the wonderful opportunity to go up to New Smyrna Beach and witness the baptism of a young man we taught previously. He is from a family that I've known for my entire mission pretty much. It was a wonderful experience to see someone enter into the waters a baptism. He is such a great kid and has so many things in store for him.The best part is that Elder Amiott was the one to perform the baptismal ordinance. So I got to see him as well a lot of the other members in the ward.
Things are progressing here in the Conway award. The Lord is definitely a blessing Elder McKee and I am finding more people to teach. I love you all and I hope that you have a wonderful and blessed week. There's anything I can do let me know.
Elder Pearson
Florida Orlando Mission
10502 Satellite Blvd.
Orlando, FL 32837
On the way to the baptism in New Smyrna Beach.
Excited I was able to attend his baptism!
Monday, June 5, 2017
Week #86 -- Getting Soaked!
Hey Everyone!!
I hope you all had a wonderful week and was filled with happy moments.
I would describe my week as the best but had its moments. I forgot last week to tell you all about my new companion, Elder McKee. He is from Mesa, Arizona. Come to find out there was a time he was living in San Tan Valley particularly in Castlegate!! Now we figured it out that he was there while I was in 7th and 8th grade but wasn't in the same class and me. So there's a lot of people that we both know which is super cool.
So part of the week I had the wonderful stomach flu and so sadly it took two days away from us working but all better now and going to make this week better. Also since it is officially summer which means Hurricane Season begins and so does the rain. Florida had been needed the rain which is good. Except it's not so good when your on bikes. So you can assume what happen, we got soaked. The bad part is that is started lighting. So we had to find cover under a tree while still getting wet. Was so much fun😐.
But the awesome part is a new gator we got this past week. He's in his 20's and he is really seeking more in his life. We had a wonderful time talking to him about the restoration of Gospel of Jesus Christ. He told us how a person in high school that was a member and things that person would do touched him in a way. He knew that they had something and he didn't realize till later that he wanted it. So we are super excited to be working with him and helping him progress towards baptism.
Sorry for the short email but I love you all. Ill send some pics.
Elder Pearson
Florida Orlando Mission
10502 Satellite Blvd.
Orlando, FL 32837
I hope you all had a wonderful week and was filled with happy moments.
I would describe my week as the best but had its moments. I forgot last week to tell you all about my new companion, Elder McKee. He is from Mesa, Arizona. Come to find out there was a time he was living in San Tan Valley particularly in Castlegate!! Now we figured it out that he was there while I was in 7th and 8th grade but wasn't in the same class and me. So there's a lot of people that we both know which is super cool.
So part of the week I had the wonderful stomach flu and so sadly it took two days away from us working but all better now and going to make this week better. Also since it is officially summer which means Hurricane Season begins and so does the rain. Florida had been needed the rain which is good. Except it's not so good when your on bikes. So you can assume what happen, we got soaked. The bad part is that is started lighting. So we had to find cover under a tree while still getting wet. Was so much fun😐.
But the awesome part is a new gator we got this past week. He's in his 20's and he is really seeking more in his life. We had a wonderful time talking to him about the restoration of Gospel of Jesus Christ. He told us how a person in high school that was a member and things that person would do touched him in a way. He knew that they had something and he didn't realize till later that he wanted it. So we are super excited to be working with him and helping him progress towards baptism.
Sorry for the short email but I love you all. Ill send some pics.
Elder Pearson
Florida Orlando Mission
10502 Satellite Blvd.
Orlando, FL 32837
Monday, May 29, 2017
Week #85 -- Knocking and Walking
Hello Everybody!!!
Well I will apologize now for the short email. Not a whole lot happened this past week. Didn't see a lot of success this past week.
Had a handful of people yell at us and stuff like that. Some of them were pretty funny.
But I would like to share with you something I have read about in the Book of Mormon concerning faith in Ether 12. It reminded me of how faith is so important in our lives. That by faith is how we can get through any trial or overcome any weakness. After reading this in my personal study, we then had visited a member in the ward that hadn't been for church in awhile. Thankfully I had studied about faith and was able to shared what I learned in my studies.
I am so grateful to the Gospel of Jesus Christ. It has blessed my life so much and love sharing it with others.
I love you all!!
Elder Pearson
Florida Orlando Mission
10502 Satellite Blvd.
Orlando, FL 32837
Well I will apologize now for the short email. Not a whole lot happened this past week. Didn't see a lot of success this past week.
Had a handful of people yell at us and stuff like that. Some of them were pretty funny.
But I would like to share with you something I have read about in the Book of Mormon concerning faith in Ether 12. It reminded me of how faith is so important in our lives. That by faith is how we can get through any trial or overcome any weakness. After reading this in my personal study, we then had visited a member in the ward that hadn't been for church in awhile. Thankfully I had studied about faith and was able to shared what I learned in my studies.
I am so grateful to the Gospel of Jesus Christ. It has blessed my life so much and love sharing it with others.
I love you all!!
Elder Pearson
Florida Orlando Mission
10502 Satellite Blvd.
Orlando, FL 32837
Monday, May 22, 2017
Monday, May 15, 2017
Week #83 -- Miracle finds, Skyping, and Pulling Fire Alarms
Hey Everybody!!!
First off, Happy Mother's Day to all the mother! I hope you had a wonderful Mother's Day and was filled with breakfast in bed and lots of naps. I love you Mom! You are the best!
I couldn't tell you that the Lord is guiding us to those that are prepared right now. Is so amazing. The first amazing find was on Wednesday. Our ward mission leader came out with us that night as well. Elder Garcia had a thought to stop by this one former investigator that we hadn't of planned to see. So we did and when we pulled up on the parking lot and got out of the car, a black car stopped in front of us and the lady told us that missionaries would come to their house all the time. Turned out to be the lady we were looking for. We taught them and had a awesome lesson. Her and both of her kids are so down to leaning more and being baptized. It was so awesome.
Then on Saturday, I was on exchanges with Elder Bosworth. The previous week we had gotten some referrals from the Spanish Sisters and so 3 of those referrals we were able to pick up as new gators and they are all down to learning more and wanting to be baptized. It was so awesome and was such a blessing to see the Lord blessing us for our hard work.
Also a funny story while I was with Elder Bosworth. Let's just say he sometimes may not think before he does something like I do sometimes which isn't good. We had stopped by this one house of a member to know if they still live there and stuff like that. As we knocked the door Elder Bosworth was messing with a fire alarm next to him. Next thing I know the alarm starts going off. We were out of that apartment in no time. So note taking, don't play with fire alarms.
I love you guys so much!! Have a fantastic week!!
Elder Pearson
Florida Orlando Mission
10502 Satellite Blvd.
Orlando, FL 32837
First off, Happy Mother's Day to all the mother! I hope you had a wonderful Mother's Day and was filled with breakfast in bed and lots of naps. I love you Mom! You are the best!
I couldn't tell you that the Lord is guiding us to those that are prepared right now. Is so amazing. The first amazing find was on Wednesday. Our ward mission leader came out with us that night as well. Elder Garcia had a thought to stop by this one former investigator that we hadn't of planned to see. So we did and when we pulled up on the parking lot and got out of the car, a black car stopped in front of us and the lady told us that missionaries would come to their house all the time. Turned out to be the lady we were looking for. We taught them and had a awesome lesson. Her and both of her kids are so down to leaning more and being baptized. It was so awesome.
Then on Saturday, I was on exchanges with Elder Bosworth. The previous week we had gotten some referrals from the Spanish Sisters and so 3 of those referrals we were able to pick up as new gators and they are all down to learning more and wanting to be baptized. It was so awesome and was such a blessing to see the Lord blessing us for our hard work.
Also a funny story while I was with Elder Bosworth. Let's just say he sometimes may not think before he does something like I do sometimes which isn't good. We had stopped by this one house of a member to know if they still live there and stuff like that. As we knocked the door Elder Bosworth was messing with a fire alarm next to him. Next thing I know the alarm starts going off. We were out of that apartment in no time. So note taking, don't play with fire alarms.
I love you guys so much!! Have a fantastic week!!
Elder Pearson
Florida Orlando Mission
10502 Satellite Blvd.
Orlando, FL 32837
Monday, May 8, 2017
Week #82 -- Feeling Burn Week?
Hello Everybody!!!
I hope you all had a blessed week. I would love to hear about them.
Well I can tell ya that I don't think I have ever ride a bike so much in my life. But it's totally fine cause it's a lot easy in talking to people. It also is getting me in better shape which is good.
We were pretty busy this week. Tuesday had service as usual at a thrift store. It's awesome to provide service. It makes me feel so much better in helping people.
Then on Wednesday, we had interviews with President Clark. It was a wonderful time to meet with him and be able to get some ideas of how to get more people to teach. He gave me some wonderful guidance and put it to work.
Saturday we went on exchanges. I stayed in my area with Elder Devroom. Elder Garcia went with Elder Tredinnick and Elder Boseworth. It was awesome exchange and got to meet a lot of people and picked up a opulent new gators as well.
The best part of my week was Sunday. We had stake Conference and it was so amazing. A lot of the talks were based around our spiritual growth. One of the talks touched me a lot. It the talks given by the husband and wife of the Temple presidency. As they were talking, it made me ponder on the importance of the temple and how it is for our eternal progression in the life. I am so grateful that I have had the opportunity to receive the blessings that come from the temple. Soon I will be able to be sealed for all time and eternity in the temple. I have grown such a strong desire to be in the temple and no place I would rather be.
I love you and have a blessed week.
Elder Pearson
Florida Orlando Mission
10502 Satellite Blvd.
Orlando, FL 32837
I hope you all had a blessed week. I would love to hear about them.
Well I can tell ya that I don't think I have ever ride a bike so much in my life. But it's totally fine cause it's a lot easy in talking to people. It also is getting me in better shape which is good.
We were pretty busy this week. Tuesday had service as usual at a thrift store. It's awesome to provide service. It makes me feel so much better in helping people.
Then on Wednesday, we had interviews with President Clark. It was a wonderful time to meet with him and be able to get some ideas of how to get more people to teach. He gave me some wonderful guidance and put it to work.
Saturday we went on exchanges. I stayed in my area with Elder Devroom. Elder Garcia went with Elder Tredinnick and Elder Boseworth. It was awesome exchange and got to meet a lot of people and picked up a opulent new gators as well.
The best part of my week was Sunday. We had stake Conference and it was so amazing. A lot of the talks were based around our spiritual growth. One of the talks touched me a lot. It the talks given by the husband and wife of the Temple presidency. As they were talking, it made me ponder on the importance of the temple and how it is for our eternal progression in the life. I am so grateful that I have had the opportunity to receive the blessings that come from the temple. Soon I will be able to be sealed for all time and eternity in the temple. I have grown such a strong desire to be in the temple and no place I would rather be.
I love you and have a blessed week.
Elder Pearson
Florida Orlando Mission
10502 Satellite Blvd.
Orlando, FL 32837
Monday, May 1, 2017
Week #81 -- Toes, Bikes, and Zone Conference
Hey Everybody!!!
Hope you had a wonderful week. I'm sure it was filled with miracles from Heavenly Father.
To start my week off, I had to get an ingrown toenail on my right big toe removed. This was my second time having one and I was able to take care of the first one. But unfortunately I just made it worse and eventually had to see the doctor to take it out. Let's just say it wasn't the most pleasant experience ever. Luckily they got the painful part out of the way at the beginning which was injecting some numbing fluid into my toe, Twice! Once they let that take full effect my plan was to video tape them taking it out. The only problem is that I don't have the strongest stomach and didn't last long to where I couldn't look at them doing it. So I'm sorry that I don't have a video for all of you.
Beside that, we had to be on the bike early this past week cause we took the car early from the other Elders cause had was having a hard time biking with the toe. Let's just say the past couple days it's been super hot and humid. It hasn't been fun at all biking but it has to be done. Sadly this week hasn't been to successful it getting more people to teach. I'm still keeping the faith that Heavenly Father will answer our prayers in getting more people to teach.
Yesterday was a wonderful fast Sunday. The testimonies from the many members were awesome and felt the spirit very strong. During my fast, I was pondering on why I came on a mission. Yes I came to help people to come to Christ but why did I want to do that? As I ponder on this I got this answer with words that I could hear.
"You came on a mission so that you could be truly converted to Jesus Christ. You need to be solid in your testimony cause you are needed for people to lean on when they feel weak. You came to gain a strong testimony and become immovable as you stay close to him. You saw the blessing that came to your family and you wanted to help other feel that way as well. You are valiant and I am blessed to have you as my son."
I don't know why I shared this with all of you but I felt prompted to do so. I can tell you that this is one of the most powerful experiences I have had on my mission. I could truly feel the love from my Heavenly Father and knew that those words came from him. My heart is filled with gratitude and joy and peace.
If any of you are seeking more guidance in your life all you need to do is ask your Heavenly Father on faith and he will answer. Just put your trust in him. He wants to help.
I love you all and have a blessed week!
Elder Pearson
Florida Orlando Mission
10502 Satellite Blvd.
Orlando, FL 32837
Hope you had a wonderful week. I'm sure it was filled with miracles from Heavenly Father.
To start my week off, I had to get an ingrown toenail on my right big toe removed. This was my second time having one and I was able to take care of the first one. But unfortunately I just made it worse and eventually had to see the doctor to take it out. Let's just say it wasn't the most pleasant experience ever. Luckily they got the painful part out of the way at the beginning which was injecting some numbing fluid into my toe, Twice! Once they let that take full effect my plan was to video tape them taking it out. The only problem is that I don't have the strongest stomach and didn't last long to where I couldn't look at them doing it. So I'm sorry that I don't have a video for all of you.
Beside that, we had to be on the bike early this past week cause we took the car early from the other Elders cause had was having a hard time biking with the toe. Let's just say the past couple days it's been super hot and humid. It hasn't been fun at all biking but it has to be done. Sadly this week hasn't been to successful it getting more people to teach. I'm still keeping the faith that Heavenly Father will answer our prayers in getting more people to teach.
Yesterday was a wonderful fast Sunday. The testimonies from the many members were awesome and felt the spirit very strong. During my fast, I was pondering on why I came on a mission. Yes I came to help people to come to Christ but why did I want to do that? As I ponder on this I got this answer with words that I could hear.
"You came on a mission so that you could be truly converted to Jesus Christ. You need to be solid in your testimony cause you are needed for people to lean on when they feel weak. You came to gain a strong testimony and become immovable as you stay close to him. You saw the blessing that came to your family and you wanted to help other feel that way as well. You are valiant and I am blessed to have you as my son."
I don't know why I shared this with all of you but I felt prompted to do so. I can tell you that this is one of the most powerful experiences I have had on my mission. I could truly feel the love from my Heavenly Father and knew that those words came from him. My heart is filled with gratitude and joy and peace.
If any of you are seeking more guidance in your life all you need to do is ask your Heavenly Father on faith and he will answer. Just put your trust in him. He wants to help.
I love you all and have a blessed week!
Elder Pearson
Florida Orlando Mission
10502 Satellite Blvd.
Orlando, FL 32837
Monday, April 24, 2017
Monday, April 17, 2017
Week #79 -- Living In The Big City!!
Hello Everybody!!!
Before I go into the week I thought I would share a little bit about my new comp, Elder Garcia. He is from Brea, California. Near Anaheim, California. Super awesome dude. Let me just say I think I found another Tyler Judkins. He has run like no bodies business! It is pretty ridiculous of how much he can run. It's been super hard to keep up with him in the mornings but I will get there eventually.
Usually the first week of the transfer, if getting a new companion, isn't the best. One companion is doing everything while he other one is trying to figure out the area. So first week is definitely trying to sync with each other. Lucky Elder Garcia and I already know each other and have a great desire to get things moving here in Conway. Unfortunately Thursday and Friday get a little crazy.
Found out Wednesday night that the Elder in our district was going home cause of medical reasons and so we needed to meet them at the Windermere chapel Thursday morning to pick up Elder Bosworth. So we picked him up and then headed to his apartment to pick up some clothes cause President still needed to figure out what he wanted to do with him and the area he was in. Got some of his stuff and then dropped him off with the other Conway Elders. We had a couple hours to work before dinner them after dinner the Conway Elders called us to tell us we needed to go to the other apartment to clean and get all of the other Elder Bosworth's stuff so a set of Sister could move in. We did that and then had to go back the following morning to get more stuff and pick up a bed for Elder Bosworth cause he is in a trio with the other Conway Elders. Got that done and then had to go back for the 4th time to give the Sisters the keys and phone for the area.
Saturday and Sunday was a lot more effective. The teaching pool is very low right now so not really anyone to talk about that we are meeting with yet. Don't worry that will change by the end of this week.
I love you all!! Have a blessed week!!
Elder Pearson
Florida Orlando Mission
10502 Satellite Blvd.
Orlando, FL 32837
Before I go into the week I thought I would share a little bit about my new comp, Elder Garcia. He is from Brea, California. Near Anaheim, California. Super awesome dude. Let me just say I think I found another Tyler Judkins. He has run like no bodies business! It is pretty ridiculous of how much he can run. It's been super hard to keep up with him in the mornings but I will get there eventually.
Usually the first week of the transfer, if getting a new companion, isn't the best. One companion is doing everything while he other one is trying to figure out the area. So first week is definitely trying to sync with each other. Lucky Elder Garcia and I already know each other and have a great desire to get things moving here in Conway. Unfortunately Thursday and Friday get a little crazy.
Found out Wednesday night that the Elder in our district was going home cause of medical reasons and so we needed to meet them at the Windermere chapel Thursday morning to pick up Elder Bosworth. So we picked him up and then headed to his apartment to pick up some clothes cause President still needed to figure out what he wanted to do with him and the area he was in. Got some of his stuff and then dropped him off with the other Conway Elders. We had a couple hours to work before dinner them after dinner the Conway Elders called us to tell us we needed to go to the other apartment to clean and get all of the other Elder Bosworth's stuff so a set of Sister could move in. We did that and then had to go back the following morning to get more stuff and pick up a bed for Elder Bosworth cause he is in a trio with the other Conway Elders. Got that done and then had to go back for the 4th time to give the Sisters the keys and phone for the area.
Saturday and Sunday was a lot more effective. The teaching pool is very low right now so not really anyone to talk about that we are meeting with yet. Don't worry that will change by the end of this week.
I love you all!! Have a blessed week!!
Elder Pearson
Florida Orlando Mission
10502 Satellite Blvd.
Orlando, FL 32837
Monday, April 10, 2017
Week #78 -- Leaving the Beach!!!!😢😢😢
Hello Everybody!!!
I might as well get the sad news out of the way to get on to the good news. Another six weeks has come and gone. So we have received news about transfers and I'm sure you can all assume by the subject title that I am sadly leaving NSB. I have deeply enjoyed the time I have spent here and have been blessed to met such wonderful people the the NSB ward. This isn't goodbye, but may God be with you till we meet again!
Elder Hardman will be staying in NSB and he will be getting Elder Ostler. Don't know to much about Elder Ostler but I'm sure things will continue to progress here in NSB. I'm being sent near the great city of Orlando called Conway. This will be the second time I haven't been in an area that doesn't touch the beach. Also my new comp with be Elder Garcia!!! Super stoked for that. Elder Garcia came out in the same group with me. It's gonna be a awesome transfer. The only down side is that it is a Car share which means we share the car with another companionship. So one companionship gets it one week while the other bikes and swap the next week. So on and so forth. Definitely a new experience.
A lot of awesome things happened this past week which super exciting to talk about. So Monday night through Wednesday night I was on exchanges. Tuesday was with Elder Sweet in Deltona. Yes, Elder Sweet cause he's super sweet! Haha! Then Wednesday with Elder Curl in Daytona. It was awesome and saw lot of miracles. Thursday was awesome and got to see a lot of people. The main people we got to visit were investigators. They are just so awesome and are progress so well in the gospel.
Friday had a super awesome lesson with our investigator couple. They have been going through some struggles and trying to put there trust in God and believing that he will help them. We then gave them both a blessing to give em added strength. After that night Elder Hardman and I have seen big change in them and are so ready for the gospel.
Sunday was fast and testimony Meeting and I got to bear my testimony for the last time in the ward. A few minutes later one of our investigators got up and bore her testimony and it was so awesome. She bore such a powerful witness of how she was able to gain more hope. That through that hope she can get through any trial she faces. Later Sunday night, the ward had there 3rd annual Easter Fireside. It was so awesome and the spirit was super strong there. So many talented people got to invite the spirit in through the wonderful praises of the lord.
I am truly grateful for the Holy Ghost and the role that it plays on in our lives in testifying of truth. The Holy Ghost teaches me everyday and I'm so happy that it comforts me and helps me in strengthening my faith in Christ.
I love you all and have a blessed week.
Elder Pearson
Florida Orlando Mission
10502 Satellite Blvd.
Orlando, FL 32837
I might as well get the sad news out of the way to get on to the good news. Another six weeks has come and gone. So we have received news about transfers and I'm sure you can all assume by the subject title that I am sadly leaving NSB. I have deeply enjoyed the time I have spent here and have been blessed to met such wonderful people the the NSB ward. This isn't goodbye, but may God be with you till we meet again!
Elder Hardman will be staying in NSB and he will be getting Elder Ostler. Don't know to much about Elder Ostler but I'm sure things will continue to progress here in NSB. I'm being sent near the great city of Orlando called Conway. This will be the second time I haven't been in an area that doesn't touch the beach. Also my new comp with be Elder Garcia!!! Super stoked for that. Elder Garcia came out in the same group with me. It's gonna be a awesome transfer. The only down side is that it is a Car share which means we share the car with another companionship. So one companionship gets it one week while the other bikes and swap the next week. So on and so forth. Definitely a new experience.
A lot of awesome things happened this past week which super exciting to talk about. So Monday night through Wednesday night I was on exchanges. Tuesday was with Elder Sweet in Deltona. Yes, Elder Sweet cause he's super sweet! Haha! Then Wednesday with Elder Curl in Daytona. It was awesome and saw lot of miracles. Thursday was awesome and got to see a lot of people. The main people we got to visit were investigators. They are just so awesome and are progress so well in the gospel.
Friday had a super awesome lesson with our investigator couple. They have been going through some struggles and trying to put there trust in God and believing that he will help them. We then gave them both a blessing to give em added strength. After that night Elder Hardman and I have seen big change in them and are so ready for the gospel.
Sunday was fast and testimony Meeting and I got to bear my testimony for the last time in the ward. A few minutes later one of our investigators got up and bore her testimony and it was so awesome. She bore such a powerful witness of how she was able to gain more hope. That through that hope she can get through any trial she faces. Later Sunday night, the ward had there 3rd annual Easter Fireside. It was so awesome and the spirit was super strong there. So many talented people got to invite the spirit in through the wonderful praises of the lord.
I am truly grateful for the Holy Ghost and the role that it plays on in our lives in testifying of truth. The Holy Ghost teaches me everyday and I'm so happy that it comforts me and helps me in strengthening my faith in Christ.
I love you all and have a blessed week.
Elder Pearson
Florida Orlando Mission
10502 Satellite Blvd.
Orlando, FL 32837
Monday, April 3, 2017
Week #77 -- #LDSConf
Hello Everybody!!
Holy Cow! This week has just flown by! A lot of things happened this past week and so excited to tell all of you. We also have been getting a lot of new people to teach which is awesome. So a lot of these people will be new names.
A really nice guy we found a couple weeks ago by knocking doors is a true miracle find! The first lesson we had with him was so awesome and the spirit was so strong. He has been going through a lot of trials in his life and feels like god isn't listening. We assured him that he is and that he needs to have faith that he will answer his prayers. As we met with him last week we was a little confused on somethings we had talked about previously and so we had to do a little review but he has been reading the Book of Mormon almost everyday which is awesome. We are hoping to put him on a baptismal date this week.
We met an interesting couple that has met with missionaries in the past and that's how we found them. They both have been struggling with some difficult trials in there life right now. As we met with them last week we had a member from the ward come out with us to see them. It was really awesome and was very powerful. He was able to testify of how that as he as followed Jesus Christ he has been able to see the blessing that come from it. We were also able to give the wife a comfort blessing giving her more guidance and be able to have the spirit with her.
Another investigator we have is doing super awesome. He has been progressing really well and has been reading a lot out of the Book of Mormon. Sadly we lost someone who was previously interested but we able to put one of our investigators on a date for May 6th!!! Super excited for him to enter into the waters of Baptism.
Plus to top it all off I got to enjoy General Conference. So many wonderful talks were given and it's been super difficult to really pick a favorite. As I was looking over my notes I really enjoyed the talk given by Gary B Sabin. I am not the best note taker but I would like to share some of my thoughts from his talk. The question he proposed at the begin is; Are you all in? Throughout his talk I had pondered on this question he gave. Am I all in? Have I given everything I got? Is there more that I can do? I immediately thought of the chapter in Alma where Alma asks the questions of the soul. Really finding where my desires are and are they sincere.
I love the story he shared of a dad and son when to a store and the son saw the super cool punching bag that every time you punch it would com back up. The dad then asked the son, "I wonder why it keeps coming back up?" The son replied, "Maybe cause it's standing up on the inside." I thought that was super cool cause it totally makes sense. Are we standing up spiritually on the inside? This is something that will truly make us stronger because every time we get hit down with the lords help we will be able to stand back up. This life has a lot of tough things we will face. If we get tired walking then maybe we should run a little. With the lords help anything is possible.
I love you all and hope you have a blessed week!!
Elder Pearson
Florida Orlando Mission
10502 Satellite Blvd.
Orlando, FL 32837
Holy Cow! This week has just flown by! A lot of things happened this past week and so excited to tell all of you. We also have been getting a lot of new people to teach which is awesome. So a lot of these people will be new names.
A really nice guy we found a couple weeks ago by knocking doors is a true miracle find! The first lesson we had with him was so awesome and the spirit was so strong. He has been going through a lot of trials in his life and feels like god isn't listening. We assured him that he is and that he needs to have faith that he will answer his prayers. As we met with him last week we was a little confused on somethings we had talked about previously and so we had to do a little review but he has been reading the Book of Mormon almost everyday which is awesome. We are hoping to put him on a baptismal date this week.
We met an interesting couple that has met with missionaries in the past and that's how we found them. They both have been struggling with some difficult trials in there life right now. As we met with them last week we had a member from the ward come out with us to see them. It was really awesome and was very powerful. He was able to testify of how that as he as followed Jesus Christ he has been able to see the blessing that come from it. We were also able to give the wife a comfort blessing giving her more guidance and be able to have the spirit with her.
Another investigator we have is doing super awesome. He has been progressing really well and has been reading a lot out of the Book of Mormon. Sadly we lost someone who was previously interested but we able to put one of our investigators on a date for May 6th!!! Super excited for him to enter into the waters of Baptism.
Plus to top it all off I got to enjoy General Conference. So many wonderful talks were given and it's been super difficult to really pick a favorite. As I was looking over my notes I really enjoyed the talk given by Gary B Sabin. I am not the best note taker but I would like to share some of my thoughts from his talk. The question he proposed at the begin is; Are you all in? Throughout his talk I had pondered on this question he gave. Am I all in? Have I given everything I got? Is there more that I can do? I immediately thought of the chapter in Alma where Alma asks the questions of the soul. Really finding where my desires are and are they sincere.
I love the story he shared of a dad and son when to a store and the son saw the super cool punching bag that every time you punch it would com back up. The dad then asked the son, "I wonder why it keeps coming back up?" The son replied, "Maybe cause it's standing up on the inside." I thought that was super cool cause it totally makes sense. Are we standing up spiritually on the inside? This is something that will truly make us stronger because every time we get hit down with the lords help we will be able to stand back up. This life has a lot of tough things we will face. If we get tired walking then maybe we should run a little. With the lords help anything is possible.
I love you all and hope you have a blessed week!!
Elder Pearson
Florida Orlando Mission
10502 Satellite Blvd.
Orlando, FL 32837
Monday, March 27, 2017
Week #76 -- Getting shot with a blow dart
Hello Everybody!!!
Wow the weeks are just going by super fast!! It's been crazy!!
Our week was pretty great!! A lot of super cool miracles. Tuesday morning we found a guy that we could talk with. He is a really nice guy and after talking with him for a couple mins his eyes filled with tears. We then had a awesome and powerful lesson on the restoration. He committed to read the Book of Mormon. Elder Hardman got to see him with Elder Sweet and had a good lesson with him and he opened up even more.
The investigator family is doing really well. This past week has been difficult to meet with them cause they have been having family problems so really need to keep them in our prayers. We also had a really awesome lesson with the young guy we've been teaching. We read the experience of Joseph Smith and what he did in receiving his answer. He has been lacking the faith in getting his answer cause he has been asking for so long and thinks he won't get an answer. We told him that by showing his faith we invited him to be baptized and set a date for May 6th.
Saturday I had a blast with Elder Haderlie in Deltona. It was super awesome. Did some good service in the morning by helping someone move. Saw a handful of awesome people.
Not a whole lot to report on but awesome miracles. Loves!!!!
Elder Pearson
Florida Orlando Mission
10502 Satellite Blvd.
Orlando, FL 32837
Wow the weeks are just going by super fast!! It's been crazy!!
Our week was pretty great!! A lot of super cool miracles. Tuesday morning we found a guy that we could talk with. He is a really nice guy and after talking with him for a couple mins his eyes filled with tears. We then had a awesome and powerful lesson on the restoration. He committed to read the Book of Mormon. Elder Hardman got to see him with Elder Sweet and had a good lesson with him and he opened up even more.
The investigator family is doing really well. This past week has been difficult to meet with them cause they have been having family problems so really need to keep them in our prayers. We also had a really awesome lesson with the young guy we've been teaching. We read the experience of Joseph Smith and what he did in receiving his answer. He has been lacking the faith in getting his answer cause he has been asking for so long and thinks he won't get an answer. We told him that by showing his faith we invited him to be baptized and set a date for May 6th.
Saturday I had a blast with Elder Haderlie in Deltona. It was super awesome. Did some good service in the morning by helping someone move. Saw a handful of awesome people.
Not a whole lot to report on but awesome miracles. Loves!!!!
Elder Pearson
Florida Orlando Mission
10502 Satellite Blvd.
Orlando, FL 32837
Been out on the mission for 18 month -- get to burn a pair of pants!
Monday, March 20, 2017
Week #75 -- #Blessingsonblessingsonblesssings
Hello Everybody!!!
Good morning!! It's is a beautiful and wonderful day here is NSB. Holy cow!! This past week has been awesome. So many cool miracles happened. This past week I was able to exercise the Priesthood which I hold by give 5 blessings in total. I can say that my spiritual power was going through the roof. I love to give blessings cause they can be so powerful.
Tuesday night I had the wonderful privilege to go on exchanges with Elder Hawkins!! He wasn't in my MTC group but was in the group that came to Florida with me. Super awesome guy!! I got to spend the day with him in Daytona and had a blast!! Got to hold an American alligator which was sick and a Tegu! So freaken big. Don't worry I'll send pics.
We then had Zone Conference Thursday. I got to see all my homies especially Elder Gubler which I haven't seen in over a year since we have been out. It was so good to see him. Love you dude! I also got to see Elder Amiott. Love you too!! There were such wonderful training was given and felt the spirit very strong. Had some really good notes too.
We have been able to put 3 people on a baptismal date this past week. It was super cool. One was from when Elder Hardman and Goff were on exchanges. All have been progressing pretty well and is very exciting to see.
One really cool miracle this past week was on Thursday. Elder Hardman had a thought to stop by this member that was in the area and she has been dealing with a lot of health issues and is managing her own business as well. When we stopped by she had gotten some bad news from the doctor about her health. She has a certain disease that basically deteriorates the bones in her body. Right now she is almost to the point where she has not spine and there is not cure for it. We were able to have a very tender moment with her; she was comforted by our visit and we gave her a blessing. It really hurt my heart to see her in a lot of pain, which I have already been able to experience a little bit with the problems that my dear mother has been dealing with. I had the wonderful opportunity to seal the blessing upon her. One experience I would never forget.
Well I hope you have a wonderful week and I love you all!!!
Elder Pearson
Florida Orlando Mission
10502 Satellite Blvd.
Orlando, FL 32837
Good morning!! It's is a beautiful and wonderful day here is NSB. Holy cow!! This past week has been awesome. So many cool miracles happened. This past week I was able to exercise the Priesthood which I hold by give 5 blessings in total. I can say that my spiritual power was going through the roof. I love to give blessings cause they can be so powerful.
Tuesday night I had the wonderful privilege to go on exchanges with Elder Hawkins!! He wasn't in my MTC group but was in the group that came to Florida with me. Super awesome guy!! I got to spend the day with him in Daytona and had a blast!! Got to hold an American alligator which was sick and a Tegu! So freaken big. Don't worry I'll send pics.
We then had Zone Conference Thursday. I got to see all my homies especially Elder Gubler which I haven't seen in over a year since we have been out. It was so good to see him. Love you dude! I also got to see Elder Amiott. Love you too!! There were such wonderful training was given and felt the spirit very strong. Had some really good notes too.
We have been able to put 3 people on a baptismal date this past week. It was super cool. One was from when Elder Hardman and Goff were on exchanges. All have been progressing pretty well and is very exciting to see.
One really cool miracle this past week was on Thursday. Elder Hardman had a thought to stop by this member that was in the area and she has been dealing with a lot of health issues and is managing her own business as well. When we stopped by she had gotten some bad news from the doctor about her health. She has a certain disease that basically deteriorates the bones in her body. Right now she is almost to the point where she has not spine and there is not cure for it. We were able to have a very tender moment with her; she was comforted by our visit and we gave her a blessing. It really hurt my heart to see her in a lot of pain, which I have already been able to experience a little bit with the problems that my dear mother has been dealing with. I had the wonderful opportunity to seal the blessing upon her. One experience I would never forget.
Well I hope you have a wonderful week and I love you all!!!
Elder Pearson
Florida Orlando Mission
10502 Satellite Blvd.
Orlando, FL 32837
Monday, March 13, 2017
Week #74 -- Putting Holes in our Shoes!!
Hello Everybody!!!
For a moment I want you all to imagine a time where you were doing some hard labor, workout, or hard work of any kind. Then picture yourself super exhausted and needing a break. That's how I feel right now after this past week. Gratefully for Monday's and having a time to rest and go even hard this coming week. This past week Elder Hardman and I worked so hard but sadly didn't see as much success that we wanted, but saw some really cool miracles.
First had the wonderful time being on Exchanges with Elder Sweet. Elder Sweet is a very good missionary and will see a lot of success on his mission. Had a good time doing service at Habitat for Humanity. Got to talk to a handful of people before dinner. We had dinner with a less active family that I haven't met before. Food was good as always but had a very powerful lesson with them. Even though I could feel the spirit and so could Elder Sweet, somehow the mom in this family just wasn't allowing the spirit to touch her heart. It was very sad to see cause she couldn't, but her kids could feel it. We are gonna go by again sometime and see if things have changed. Later that night we got to have a awesome restoration lesson with an investigator. His comprehension of the Book of Mormon is incredible. It's so awesome to see how much he is enjoying the Book of Mormon. We then committed him to a baptismal date of April 15th and he accepted!!
Once Elder Hardman got back here hit the ground running the next day. Weren't seeing much success in the morning but later in the afternoon we got someone. She was someone that had met with missionaries in the past; so it was nice to make contact with her again. She is pretty awesome and we talked with her for about an hour. She has been really struggling a lot with some trials and just needs the gospel in her life. She then told us as we were talking with her that she was talking to someone about the church a couple days prior and then we show up! There's no way that just happened by accident.
Later that week we got to meet with a media referral that we contacted last week, along with her sister. We had a awesome restoration lesson with them. The spirit was super strong and a lot of really good questions were asked. She even told us that she could feel the spirit really strong when we would show up. It was super awesome.
I have been thinking a lot about what brings true joy or how can we have that true joy. I was able to find a talk by Elder Richard Maynes called "The Joy of Living a Christ Centered Life". He shares the story of Elder Aoba taking some of the youth in the stake to his pottery shop. He then showed them how he was able to shape the clay into certain shapes and sizes. Elder Aoba had then the youth try and most of them complained how that it wasn't working. They didn't realize that the clay wasn't centered on the wheel. Once it was centered on the wheel they were able to do it.
This is the same with the gospel. We need to be centered in Christ and as we do so we will be molded into something amazing. I can testify of the truthfulness and power that as we are centered in Christ we will be transformed.
I love you all and hope you have a wonderful week.
Elder Pearson
Florida Orlando Mission
10502 Satellite Blvd.
Orlando, FL 32837
For a moment I want you all to imagine a time where you were doing some hard labor, workout, or hard work of any kind. Then picture yourself super exhausted and needing a break. That's how I feel right now after this past week. Gratefully for Monday's and having a time to rest and go even hard this coming week. This past week Elder Hardman and I worked so hard but sadly didn't see as much success that we wanted, but saw some really cool miracles.
First had the wonderful time being on Exchanges with Elder Sweet. Elder Sweet is a very good missionary and will see a lot of success on his mission. Had a good time doing service at Habitat for Humanity. Got to talk to a handful of people before dinner. We had dinner with a less active family that I haven't met before. Food was good as always but had a very powerful lesson with them. Even though I could feel the spirit and so could Elder Sweet, somehow the mom in this family just wasn't allowing the spirit to touch her heart. It was very sad to see cause she couldn't, but her kids could feel it. We are gonna go by again sometime and see if things have changed. Later that night we got to have a awesome restoration lesson with an investigator. His comprehension of the Book of Mormon is incredible. It's so awesome to see how much he is enjoying the Book of Mormon. We then committed him to a baptismal date of April 15th and he accepted!!
Once Elder Hardman got back here hit the ground running the next day. Weren't seeing much success in the morning but later in the afternoon we got someone. She was someone that had met with missionaries in the past; so it was nice to make contact with her again. She is pretty awesome and we talked with her for about an hour. She has been really struggling a lot with some trials and just needs the gospel in her life. She then told us as we were talking with her that she was talking to someone about the church a couple days prior and then we show up! There's no way that just happened by accident.
Later that week we got to meet with a media referral that we contacted last week, along with her sister. We had a awesome restoration lesson with them. The spirit was super strong and a lot of really good questions were asked. She even told us that she could feel the spirit really strong when we would show up. It was super awesome.
I have been thinking a lot about what brings true joy or how can we have that true joy. I was able to find a talk by Elder Richard Maynes called "The Joy of Living a Christ Centered Life". He shares the story of Elder Aoba taking some of the youth in the stake to his pottery shop. He then showed them how he was able to shape the clay into certain shapes and sizes. Elder Aoba had then the youth try and most of them complained how that it wasn't working. They didn't realize that the clay wasn't centered on the wheel. Once it was centered on the wheel they were able to do it.
This is the same with the gospel. We need to be centered in Christ and as we do so we will be molded into something amazing. I can testify of the truthfulness and power that as we are centered in Christ we will be transformed.
I love you all and hope you have a wonderful week.
Elder Pearson
Florida Orlando Mission
10502 Satellite Blvd.
Orlando, FL 32837
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