Summer is almost over!! Which makes me happy cause it won't be so hot. I thought from living in Arizona my entire life I would be used to the heat, I guess not.
Had a pretty good week. Started it off with Zone Conference which we had to leave the house by 5:45 to be at the chapel in Vero which is an hour away. Once we got down there at 7, no ones there and we misread the email that they sent out saying it would be changed from starting at 7 but at 8. At least we were on time. I love these meeting cause I always get to learn something to start applying in becoming a better missionary or get reminded about something I have been slacking on doing. Also there is where we get to see other missionaries from the other zones.
The rest of the week was a lot of stopping by to see people. Sadly most of the people we stopped by didn't answer. The people we did see though are doing well. It was mainly less actives that we got to see. Didn't get to see one of the investigators that we were really hoping to see. We found out from another family that she has been having family problems so we are hoping that things will work out so we can see her sometime soon. The awesome part is that our other investigator came to church again yesterday! We also are going to see him on Tuesday. It's super exciting cause he knows the church is true and wants to get baptized. He just a great guy. It's awesome to see how the gospel can transform someone.
Yesterday at church was awesome. The talks we all about families and how to strengthen them and the roles of a father and a mother. Families are such an essential thing in this life. Families are for eternity. I love that doctrine. Knowing I can be sealed to my parents and sibling, as well my family I will soon have. I love my family and am so grateful for them and all that they do for me. I love my Savior and my Heavenly Father. God bless you all.
Have a blessed week!! Loves!!!
Elder Pearson
Florida Orlando Mission
P.S. -- Families are together forever. Adding on to my email about families we
got to sing this song at church after the talks and had all of you on
my mind as we sang the song.