Hello Everyone!
Hope you all had a better week than I did. This week was a pretty slow and a tough week. With a lot of appointments that got canceled. Even though it was slow we were still able to get things done.
Transfers calls are this coming Saturday so I let you know what happens next week.
We got to meet with a member this last week who just moved into the ward not to long ago. He is a less active member and is really going through a lot. We have a very good time talking with him and encouraging him to keep moving forward with faith. His girlfriend isn't a member and has been asking him a lot of questions about the church and we are crossing our fingers that we will be able to meet with her. Sadly didn't get to meet with one of our new converts this past week because she was sick, but will be hopefully see her this week. We were able to help a handful of members move into our ward which is awesome. Just so many great members here in Cocoa.
This past week I was able to find a very awesome talk given by Elder Bednar. It is titled "Ye Must Be Born Again" and I love how he uses the comparison of making a cucumber into a pickle. The steps of making a cucumber into a pickle are; first preparing and cleaning, immersing and saturating, lastly purifying and sealing. These process requires time and cannot be hurried, and none of the essential steps can be ignored or avoided. He explains that each step applies to the gospel. That we need to prepare ourselves with words of faith and good doctrine and then be cleansed through the ordinances and covenants administered by the authority of the Aaronic Priesthood. We are born again as we are absorbed by and in the gospel of Jesus Christ. We become purified and sanctified as we are washed in the blood of the Christ, are born again, and receive the ordinances and honor the covenants that are administered by the authority of the Melchizedek Priesthood. This talk has opened my eyes more that I need to be completely immersing myself in the gospel so that I can learn more of my Heavenly Father and my savior Jesus Christ.
I want you all to know that I love this gospel. I know it to be true and I strive to live it every day and will continue every day of my life. God is real and he does speak to us by the power of the Holy Ghost. He has been able to speak to me and confirm to me that the Book of Mormon is true. That Joseph Smith is a prophet from God. I have searched and I have found truth. If you search with a sincere heart and with real intent you will get an answer.
Have a great week!!
Elder Pearson
Florida Orlando Mission
Called to serve the Florida Orlando Mission

Monday, July 25, 2016
Monday, July 18, 2016
Week #41 - Getting peeps to teach
Hello Everyone!
Things here is Cocoa are starting to pick up which is very exciting. Haven't had a lot of investigators to teach the past 4 weeks which has been tough, but the Lord is blessing Elder Armijo and I with people to teach. Even though we don't have a lot of investigators we have been working a lot with less active members here in Cocoa.
One of the new investigators, I told you all about him last week, we did get to meet with him and his wife. It went very well and he talked a lot more than he did last time which was very good. He doesn't remember a lot from when the missionaries were teaching his wife. I'm still unsure about if he is really wanting to learn or not but he says he does.
The other investigator we have are amazing. A wonderful family had us over for dinner last week and they had a friend over that isn't a member. We got to talk to her about the gospel and it was awesome. We got to go over again yesterday and talked to her more and it was an awesome lesson. There were things that she hasn't heard before and it was awesome to just see her light up like a kid in a candy store. She is very interested and I'm so happy to have these people to teach
Well my spiritual thought I would like to leave with all of you is about forgiveness and hope. This is something that hit me really hard yesterday at church. Both speakers did an amazing job and I could feel the spirit really strong. Both of there's connected with each other. One talks about forgiveness and the other talked about hope. The first speaker shared how she was able to learn forgiveness. She talked about how her parents got divorced and then siblings took sides. As she spoke I could tell it has brought a lot of hard ace. She then expressed how she need to forgive and forget. She then shared that if we don't forgive someone of there wrong doing toward us then we aren't allowing them to be able to receive the healing powers of the atonement.
Family relationships are one of the most important thing we will have in this life. I am so grateful to be in such a great family. I learn a lot from them and I love them so much. If we want to have solid, long lasting, and love bond relationship we must always be ready to forgive and forget.
Then next talk was about hope and since I have been on my mission I have learned about about hope and how it is connected to the gospel. We know that faith is a hope for things that are not seen, but which are true. In order to have faith we need to have hope. We must have the hope that God is going to help us when we are gong through tough trials. God has given us commandments. He has given us the things that we need to live by so we don't fall make the wrong decision. As we live by these things, we will be protected. We will be blessed and be able to strengthen ourselves so we can help others become stronger.
He knows our weaknesses. Without the Savior we can't be forgive. We don't have hope. But since he is our Savior and has taken upon him all the pains, sins, afflictions, everything we can be forgiven and make our weakness our strengths.
"Stay away from the wippy cake table!"
- Troy Dunn
Elder Pearson
Florida Orlando Mission
Things here is Cocoa are starting to pick up which is very exciting. Haven't had a lot of investigators to teach the past 4 weeks which has been tough, but the Lord is blessing Elder Armijo and I with people to teach. Even though we don't have a lot of investigators we have been working a lot with less active members here in Cocoa.
One of the new investigators, I told you all about him last week, we did get to meet with him and his wife. It went very well and he talked a lot more than he did last time which was very good. He doesn't remember a lot from when the missionaries were teaching his wife. I'm still unsure about if he is really wanting to learn or not but he says he does.
The other investigator we have are amazing. A wonderful family had us over for dinner last week and they had a friend over that isn't a member. We got to talk to her about the gospel and it was awesome. We got to go over again yesterday and talked to her more and it was an awesome lesson. There were things that she hasn't heard before and it was awesome to just see her light up like a kid in a candy store. She is very interested and I'm so happy to have these people to teach
Well my spiritual thought I would like to leave with all of you is about forgiveness and hope. This is something that hit me really hard yesterday at church. Both speakers did an amazing job and I could feel the spirit really strong. Both of there's connected with each other. One talks about forgiveness and the other talked about hope. The first speaker shared how she was able to learn forgiveness. She talked about how her parents got divorced and then siblings took sides. As she spoke I could tell it has brought a lot of hard ace. She then expressed how she need to forgive and forget. She then shared that if we don't forgive someone of there wrong doing toward us then we aren't allowing them to be able to receive the healing powers of the atonement.
Family relationships are one of the most important thing we will have in this life. I am so grateful to be in such a great family. I learn a lot from them and I love them so much. If we want to have solid, long lasting, and love bond relationship we must always be ready to forgive and forget.
Then next talk was about hope and since I have been on my mission I have learned about about hope and how it is connected to the gospel. We know that faith is a hope for things that are not seen, but which are true. In order to have faith we need to have hope. We must have the hope that God is going to help us when we are gong through tough trials. God has given us commandments. He has given us the things that we need to live by so we don't fall make the wrong decision. As we live by these things, we will be protected. We will be blessed and be able to strengthen ourselves so we can help others become stronger.
He knows our weaknesses. Without the Savior we can't be forgive. We don't have hope. But since he is our Savior and has taken upon him all the pains, sins, afflictions, everything we can be forgiven and make our weakness our strengths.
"Stay away from the wippy cake table!"
- Troy Dunn
Elder Pearson
Florida Orlando Mission
Monday, July 11, 2016
Week #40 - Service week
Hello Everyone!
What a wonderful week is was. This past week we did a lot of service for the less active members in the ward which was a lot of fun. For one of the members he is fixing up a house he owns and so we help him just move stuff around. We also tried to cut down a palm tree that was in the back yard that was close to the house but we weren't very successful at it. We also helped a member with some yard work and painting which was fun except for the heat which wasn't so nice. There was another member that we helped moved furniture in his house and one of them was a granite table that was so heavy but we moved it. I loved doing service.
An update on who we are currently working with. A lot of the people we are working with are less active members but it's all good cause they know and have friends that aren't members and so we can talk to them. The first one was just baptized 4 weeks ago. He is such an awesome guy and really just loves the gospel. He tells us all the time of how the Lord is helping him in his life. It's so amazing. For his profession, he is an artist. Not with paint but with wood! He carves things out of wood and it's super cool how he does it. We are hoping to go over there this week cause the past couple weeks cause he has been busy with family stuff. Next one is a tough one, but is progressing in coming back to church. He is a single father and has 3 awesome kids. We are really helping him coming back to church cause then he will be an example for the kids and will help the kids make better choices. There is a guy that we just met last week that we will be working with and his wife; she is not a member but she has questions about the church and seems interested which is super exciting. We are now working with another part member family. When the wife was taking the lessons from the missionaries, her husband was listening with her. She got baptized but he didn't. When we met with them last week we asked him why didn't he take the next step towards baptism. He said he wasn't ready, which not everyone gives that answer. We are very excited about this and can't wait to see him this Wednesday.
I love how God answers prayers. It's amazing that he does listen and he does want to help us all we have to do is ask and he will give us the answer. It might not be as soon as we want it, but it will come. He has answered my prayers and I am so grateful for it because it has helped me learn and come closer to my Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ.
Love y'all!! Make it a great week!
"The greatest value will be in the small acts that help us and those
we love work toward eternal life. Those acts may seem small in this
life, but they will bring everlasting blessings in eternity."
- President Henry B. Eyring
Elder Pearson
Florida Orlando Mission
What a wonderful week is was. This past week we did a lot of service for the less active members in the ward which was a lot of fun. For one of the members he is fixing up a house he owns and so we help him just move stuff around. We also tried to cut down a palm tree that was in the back yard that was close to the house but we weren't very successful at it. We also helped a member with some yard work and painting which was fun except for the heat which wasn't so nice. There was another member that we helped moved furniture in his house and one of them was a granite table that was so heavy but we moved it. I loved doing service.
An update on who we are currently working with. A lot of the people we are working with are less active members but it's all good cause they know and have friends that aren't members and so we can talk to them. The first one was just baptized 4 weeks ago. He is such an awesome guy and really just loves the gospel. He tells us all the time of how the Lord is helping him in his life. It's so amazing. For his profession, he is an artist. Not with paint but with wood! He carves things out of wood and it's super cool how he does it. We are hoping to go over there this week cause the past couple weeks cause he has been busy with family stuff. Next one is a tough one, but is progressing in coming back to church. He is a single father and has 3 awesome kids. We are really helping him coming back to church cause then he will be an example for the kids and will help the kids make better choices. There is a guy that we just met last week that we will be working with and his wife; she is not a member but she has questions about the church and seems interested which is super exciting. We are now working with another part member family. When the wife was taking the lessons from the missionaries, her husband was listening with her. She got baptized but he didn't. When we met with them last week we asked him why didn't he take the next step towards baptism. He said he wasn't ready, which not everyone gives that answer. We are very excited about this and can't wait to see him this Wednesday.
I love how God answers prayers. It's amazing that he does listen and he does want to help us all we have to do is ask and he will give us the answer. It might not be as soon as we want it, but it will come. He has answered my prayers and I am so grateful for it because it has helped me learn and come closer to my Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ.
Love y'all!! Make it a great week!
"The greatest value will be in the small acts that help us and those
we love work toward eternal life. Those acts may seem small in this
life, but they will bring everlasting blessings in eternity."
- President Henry B. Eyring
Elder Pearson
Florida Orlando Mission
Enjoying our evening at the beach!
Elder Armijo and I enjoying our backyard in Cocoa Beach.
Florida sunsets are so beautiful!
This is Ron Jon Surf Shop; it's really popular out here.
Monday, July 4, 2016
Week #39 - New mission president, exchanges, fireworks
Hello Everyone!
Another week already gone! There is a lot of things that happened this week. I first want to express me gratitude for what a great country we have. I am so blessed to live in a country where we can believe in what we want to believe in. We wouldn't have this great country if it weren't for God's hand in all things. I am so grateful that I am able to be out here in Florida and teach people about what I believe in and help them gain a closer relationship with God and Jesus Christ. We got a new mission president, President Clark. Him and his wife are awesome. I only got to meet with them for and hour and I absolutely just love them. I am sad to see President and Sister Berry leave and I deeply enjoyed the time I had to be with them and will miss them.
I had the wonderful opportunity to go on exchanges with our Zone Leaders. I got to go with Elder Bigler in Viera. It was awesome to see him and teach with him. He was my district leader while I was in DeLand. He is such a great missionary and friend. We started the day off by helping a family move in the morning. That took a little longer than expected but we were still able to get things done. We saw a couple less active members. We had such a blast.
Today I had such and awesome experience. In the afternoon, we pulled up to a place where we get wifi so we could report on lessons on our iPads. As we were doing that, two guys pulled up next to us and one of them said hi and made a little joke and we started talking. Found out that they are members of the church. One of them said they are down here visiting family. One of them then mentioned that he got baptized while he was in the Apopka ward!! What?!? Then we started talking about who he knew and who I knew. It was upper awesome. We then talked about why he stopped going and we encouraged him to go. He said he would. The reason I share this experience is cause there is no way that it just so happened that they stopped by when we were there. This proves to me that the Lords hand is in his work. It so obvious to me that he works in these way so people with be more open with each other. So then we can help each other become better and look towards him. I can testify to all of you that God is real and that he knows what going on here on this earth and he cares. It might not seem like it at times, but he does. We must put our trust in him and follow him.
Happy 4th of July!!! Have a great week!!
Elder Pearson
Florida Orlando Mission
Another week already gone! There is a lot of things that happened this week. I first want to express me gratitude for what a great country we have. I am so blessed to live in a country where we can believe in what we want to believe in. We wouldn't have this great country if it weren't for God's hand in all things. I am so grateful that I am able to be out here in Florida and teach people about what I believe in and help them gain a closer relationship with God and Jesus Christ. We got a new mission president, President Clark. Him and his wife are awesome. I only got to meet with them for and hour and I absolutely just love them. I am sad to see President and Sister Berry leave and I deeply enjoyed the time I had to be with them and will miss them.
I had the wonderful opportunity to go on exchanges with our Zone Leaders. I got to go with Elder Bigler in Viera. It was awesome to see him and teach with him. He was my district leader while I was in DeLand. He is such a great missionary and friend. We started the day off by helping a family move in the morning. That took a little longer than expected but we were still able to get things done. We saw a couple less active members. We had such a blast.
Today I had such and awesome experience. In the afternoon, we pulled up to a place where we get wifi so we could report on lessons on our iPads. As we were doing that, two guys pulled up next to us and one of them said hi and made a little joke and we started talking. Found out that they are members of the church. One of them said they are down here visiting family. One of them then mentioned that he got baptized while he was in the Apopka ward!! What?!? Then we started talking about who he knew and who I knew. It was upper awesome. We then talked about why he stopped going and we encouraged him to go. He said he would. The reason I share this experience is cause there is no way that it just so happened that they stopped by when we were there. This proves to me that the Lords hand is in his work. It so obvious to me that he works in these way so people with be more open with each other. So then we can help each other become better and look towards him. I can testify to all of you that God is real and that he knows what going on here on this earth and he cares. It might not seem like it at times, but he does. We must put our trust in him and follow him.
Happy 4th of July!!! Have a great week!!
Elder Pearson
Florida Orlando Mission
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