Hello Everyone!
Hope everyone had a wonderful thanksgiving and ate a lot of food! Now on to Christmas! Yay! I can't believe it's almost Christmas. First Christmas in Florida!!
Speaking of Christmas there is a wonderful video called "The Savior is Born". It is a great video to be able to share with others and a good way to talk about Christ since it's Christmas. It's on the gospel
library app and on the church website to download it. It's a great opportunity to do some missionary work. Pray to know who that Heavenly Father wants you to share the video with. I promise you that is you ask he will guide you to that person and it will be a great experience for you. I challenge you all to do that. I would then love you hear about your experience.
So this past week has been an exciting one and filled with many opportunities to do Heavenly Father will. Just yesterday I was able to use the priesthood, which I hold, to give a less active member a
blessing cause of his health issues he has been struggling with. I am so blessed to have the Melchizedek Priesthood and can see the joy it brings to others. Heavenly Father knows everyone of us on a personal basis. He knows what we are going through and wants to help us. All we have to do is ask for his help through prayer. You can do it anywhere, anytime, and he will be listening. I know he will answer your prayers just like he has done for me. There is a purpose to this life and
where we are going. Just ask to be guided to that truth. I love you all and hope you have a wonderful week.
Elder Pearson
Called to serve the Florida Orlando Mission

Monday, November 30, 2015
Monday, November 23, 2015
Week #7 -- Thanksgiving
Hope you all had a great week. Know that I think about and pray for you all.
This past week has been amazing. Heavenly Father is really blessing my companions and I with people to teach. It's so cool how Heavenly Father puts us in the right place at the right time. We are really working hard and is so much fun!!!
One thing that we got to do last week was prep boxes for thanksgiving dinners for those that can't afford it. Then Saturday is when we gave the boxes away. So many of these people don't have much. It made me really think that I should be grateful for what I have and what I have
been given. I have been able to have a wonderful family and have been able to have this wonderful gospel that has given me the knowledge to know my purpose in my life and where I'm going. By knowing this for myself and learning more everyday I can share with others and help them learn of their purpose and where they are going.
I want to express my gratefulness for you all. You all have blessed my life in so many ways I can't even count. Thank you all for all you have done for me. You will be bless for your willingness to teach me and help me grow to who I am today.
I love you all and hope you all have a wonderful thanksgiving!!!🍗🍗
Elder Pearson
Hope you all had a great week. Know that I think about and pray for you all.
This past week has been amazing. Heavenly Father is really blessing my companions and I with people to teach. It's so cool how Heavenly Father puts us in the right place at the right time. We are really working hard and is so much fun!!!
One thing that we got to do last week was prep boxes for thanksgiving dinners for those that can't afford it. Then Saturday is when we gave the boxes away. So many of these people don't have much. It made me really think that I should be grateful for what I have and what I have
been given. I have been able to have a wonderful family and have been able to have this wonderful gospel that has given me the knowledge to know my purpose in my life and where I'm going. By knowing this for myself and learning more everyday I can share with others and help them learn of their purpose and where they are going.
I want to express my gratefulness for you all. You all have blessed my life in so many ways I can't even count. Thank you all for all you have done for me. You will be bless for your willingness to teach me and help me grow to who I am today.
I love you all and hope you all have a wonderful thanksgiving!!!🍗🍗
Elder Pearson
Monday, November 16, 2015
Week #6 - We are part of God's Army
Hey everyone,
This past week has been so crazy and so exciting. Also this Tuesday is transfers and it looks like I'll be staying in LeCanto for another month!!!!
To start off my week we had zone conference. There was so much stuff I was able to learn and be able to become a better missionary. These are some of the questions he asked. Who are we? What is our role? Who do we represent? What does the lord expect of us? How do we go about accomplishing his great work? We save lives. We are part of Gods army. We are gatherers, preparers, instruments. We represent God and his church if we are a full time missionary or not. The lord expects obedience, having faith, teach doctrine of Christ, and teach by the spirit. We also ask for his help to know his will and what he needs to do through us. As we yelled to him we can touch people's lives and can have the truths that we know.
Also last night we had a fireside in Orlando which is a two hour drive from LeCanto and it ends at 9 pm. Anyway it was an awesome fireside. We got to listen to two amazing musicians. Marvin Goldstien and Vanessa Joy. Brother Goldstien has traveled the world as a pianist and entertainer. He began his musical training at the age of 9 and has won many awards. I advise you all to look him up. His playing is incredible. Sister Joy is a singer and has performed for many places like in Germany, Egypt, Chili, and many more. The spirit was so strong and as they bear there testimonies I could feel the spirit. As Sister Joy sang some of the words really stood out to me. One was about when she goes to places to sing and only gets to met people for a short moment. "Because I knew you I have been changed for good". There are times that we meet people only for a brief time and that happens a lot as a missionary. We might not realize that we can change people for good. The spirit can testify of what we say to others as long as we listen to the spirit.
Being a missionary is the best thing ever. It doesn't feel like I have been out for 2 months. Crazy! I love you all and are always in my prayers. I invite you all to always listen to the spirit and be guided to what the Heavenly Father needs done through you. I promise your
testimony will be strengthened and can bless others lives. Hope you guys have a wonderful week. Be good and don't do bad things.
Love you all,
Elder Pearson
This past week has been so crazy and so exciting. Also this Tuesday is transfers and it looks like I'll be staying in LeCanto for another month!!!!
To start off my week we had zone conference. There was so much stuff I was able to learn and be able to become a better missionary. These are some of the questions he asked. Who are we? What is our role? Who do we represent? What does the lord expect of us? How do we go about accomplishing his great work? We save lives. We are part of Gods army. We are gatherers, preparers, instruments. We represent God and his church if we are a full time missionary or not. The lord expects obedience, having faith, teach doctrine of Christ, and teach by the spirit. We also ask for his help to know his will and what he needs to do through us. As we yelled to him we can touch people's lives and can have the truths that we know.
Also last night we had a fireside in Orlando which is a two hour drive from LeCanto and it ends at 9 pm. Anyway it was an awesome fireside. We got to listen to two amazing musicians. Marvin Goldstien and Vanessa Joy. Brother Goldstien has traveled the world as a pianist and entertainer. He began his musical training at the age of 9 and has won many awards. I advise you all to look him up. His playing is incredible. Sister Joy is a singer and has performed for many places like in Germany, Egypt, Chili, and many more. The spirit was so strong and as they bear there testimonies I could feel the spirit. As Sister Joy sang some of the words really stood out to me. One was about when she goes to places to sing and only gets to met people for a short moment. "Because I knew you I have been changed for good". There are times that we meet people only for a brief time and that happens a lot as a missionary. We might not realize that we can change people for good. The spirit can testify of what we say to others as long as we listen to the spirit.
Being a missionary is the best thing ever. It doesn't feel like I have been out for 2 months. Crazy! I love you all and are always in my prayers. I invite you all to always listen to the spirit and be guided to what the Heavenly Father needs done through you. I promise your
testimony will be strengthened and can bless others lives. Hope you guys have a wonderful week. Be good and don't do bad things.
Love you all,
Elder Pearson
Monday, November 9, 2015
Week #5 - Daily personal study
Hello everyone,
Good morning!!! Hope you all had a wonderful week. This past week has been awesome.
I'm so grateful for the time I have each morning to have personal study and companion study. Each day I always learn something new and what I can do to help our investigators. Each day the lord has helped me to see the needs of our investigators and what they need to hear. I'm so blessed to have this gospel in my life and to share it with others and have this knowledge. I invite you all to read from the scriptures cause it will bless your lives in so many ways.
This past week has been great with finding new members. We found 5 new members this past week and they all came to church yesterday. Two of them just showed up, we have never met them before. They are really solid and I'm so happy to meet them. I'm so excited to be able to teach them and to find more people to bring unto Christ.
Hope you all have a wonderful week.
Elder Pearson
Good morning!!! Hope you all had a wonderful week. This past week has been awesome.
I'm so grateful for the time I have each morning to have personal study and companion study. Each day I always learn something new and what I can do to help our investigators. Each day the lord has helped me to see the needs of our investigators and what they need to hear. I'm so blessed to have this gospel in my life and to share it with others and have this knowledge. I invite you all to read from the scriptures cause it will bless your lives in so many ways.
This past week has been great with finding new members. We found 5 new members this past week and they all came to church yesterday. Two of them just showed up, we have never met them before. They are really solid and I'm so happy to meet them. I'm so excited to be able to teach them and to find more people to bring unto Christ.
Hope you all have a wonderful week.
Elder Pearson
Monday, November 2, 2015
Week #4 - Amazing testimonies shared
Hey everyone,
Hope you all have had a wonderful week and had a wonderful fast Sunday. I have to say I love the ward that I'm in. Even though most of them are over the age of 50, which is new for me, they have amazing testimonies. Also that almost everyone in the ward says there testimony which is so awesome. As I was hearing these testimonies it reminded me of my ward and the amazing people that I have been able to know.
So this past week has been great and I'm really trying my best to help our investigators to come closer to Christ. I know that the lord will guide me in what I need to study so the Holy Ghost will touch there hearts. I also never knew I would have so much love and care for the
people that I encounter and teach.
In priesthood yesterday, we had a wonderful discussion. It was based off a talk given by President Uchtdorf titled "Finish with Your Torch Still Lit"
He talks about how in Greece that they had races called Lampadedromia. In this race the runner carried a torch in his hand and passed it to the next runner and so on. The prize wasn't awarded to the team that ran the fastest but to the team that crossed the line with the torch still lit. How often do we make January resolution and say committed for a couple days, weeks, months maybe. Then soon realize come October that the flame of our commitment is now turned to ashes. We always start strong and have the desire to be the best we can be and but the see that we have discarded or forgotten our resolutions. It's
human nature to fall or become discourage at times and feel like we want to drop out of the race. As followers of Jesus Christ, we have committed not only to begin the race but also to finish it and finishing with our torch burning bright. One part that I loved in it is when he talks about the light of Christ
never dies.
The Light That Never Dies
"Sometimes after stumbling, failing, or even giving up, we get discouraged and believe our light has gone out and our race is lost. But I testify that the Light of Christ cannot be extinguished. It shines in the darkest night and will relight our hearts if only we
incline our hearts to Him (see 1 Kings 8:58). No matter how often or how far we fall, the Light of Christ ever burns brightly. And even in the deepest night, if we but step toward Him, His light will consume the shadows and reignite our souls. This race of discipleship is not a sprint; it’s a marathon. And it makes little difference how fast we go. In fact, the only way we can lose the race is by finally giving in or giving up. As long as we continue to rise up and move toward our Savior, we win the race with our torches burning brightly. For the
torch is not about us or about what we do. It is about the Savior of the world. And that is a Light that can never be dimmed. It is a Light that swallows the darkness, heals our wounds, and blazes even in the midst of the deepest sorrow and unfathomable darkness. It is a
Light that surpasses understanding. May each of us finish the path we have begun. And with the help of our Savior and Redeemer, Jesus Christ, we will finish joyfully and with our torches still lit."
As we strived to keep our torches lit we can be examples to those around us and help them light there torches.
Love you all and hope you have a great week. Be good and don't do bad things
Elder Pearson
Hope you all have had a wonderful week and had a wonderful fast Sunday. I have to say I love the ward that I'm in. Even though most of them are over the age of 50, which is new for me, they have amazing testimonies. Also that almost everyone in the ward says there testimony which is so awesome. As I was hearing these testimonies it reminded me of my ward and the amazing people that I have been able to know.
So this past week has been great and I'm really trying my best to help our investigators to come closer to Christ. I know that the lord will guide me in what I need to study so the Holy Ghost will touch there hearts. I also never knew I would have so much love and care for the
people that I encounter and teach.
In priesthood yesterday, we had a wonderful discussion. It was based off a talk given by President Uchtdorf titled "Finish with Your Torch Still Lit"
He talks about how in Greece that they had races called Lampadedromia. In this race the runner carried a torch in his hand and passed it to the next runner and so on. The prize wasn't awarded to the team that ran the fastest but to the team that crossed the line with the torch still lit. How often do we make January resolution and say committed for a couple days, weeks, months maybe. Then soon realize come October that the flame of our commitment is now turned to ashes. We always start strong and have the desire to be the best we can be and but the see that we have discarded or forgotten our resolutions. It's
human nature to fall or become discourage at times and feel like we want to drop out of the race. As followers of Jesus Christ, we have committed not only to begin the race but also to finish it and finishing with our torch burning bright. One part that I loved in it is when he talks about the light of Christ
never dies.
The Light That Never Dies
"Sometimes after stumbling, failing, or even giving up, we get discouraged and believe our light has gone out and our race is lost. But I testify that the Light of Christ cannot be extinguished. It shines in the darkest night and will relight our hearts if only we
incline our hearts to Him (see 1 Kings 8:58). No matter how often or how far we fall, the Light of Christ ever burns brightly. And even in the deepest night, if we but step toward Him, His light will consume the shadows and reignite our souls. This race of discipleship is not a sprint; it’s a marathon. And it makes little difference how fast we go. In fact, the only way we can lose the race is by finally giving in or giving up. As long as we continue to rise up and move toward our Savior, we win the race with our torches burning brightly. For the
torch is not about us or about what we do. It is about the Savior of the world. And that is a Light that can never be dimmed. It is a Light that swallows the darkness, heals our wounds, and blazes even in the midst of the deepest sorrow and unfathomable darkness. It is a
Light that surpasses understanding. May each of us finish the path we have begun. And with the help of our Savior and Redeemer, Jesus Christ, we will finish joyfully and with our torches still lit."
As we strived to keep our torches lit we can be examples to those around us and help them light there torches.
Love you all and hope you have a great week. Be good and don't do bad things
Elder Pearson
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